African American Quotes
250 African American Quotes
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It demonstrated how little regard segregationists had for the lives of black people and the lengths they would go to, to keep us in fear.
Rosa Parks
It took a lot of courage to be a plaintiff. You could be risking your life.
Rosa Parks
I am 83 years old, and I have come to realize that there is always more in life to learn. I just started taking swimming lessons last year. I ask a lot of questions during my swimming lessons. You can drown yourself with problems if you do not ask questions.
Rosa Parks
Believing in yourself takes courage. Facing the future takes hope. Carry both in your heart.
Rosa Parks
Life should not be taken for granted.
Rosa Parks
If we place our hope in becoming the best we can be, then we as a human race will always be advancing.
Rosa Parks
I believe all of us – young people and adults – should have people we look up to as examples.
Rosa Parks
You didn’t retaliate if they did something to you…
Rosa Parks
[On Septima Clark] I only hope that there is a possible chance that some of her great courage and dignity and wisdom has rubbed off on me.
Rosa Parks
I see the energy of young people as a real force for positive change.
Rosa Parks
[At Highlander] I gained the strength to preserve in my work for freedom.
Rosa Parks
[On Dr Martin Luther King Jr] I was very impressed by his eloquence. He looked like he might have been a student in college instead of a minister at a very prestigious church… I thought he was well prepared to take a role of leadership in the community. But I didn’t have any thought about how high he would go.
Rosa Parks
The main thing they wanted to decide at the meeting was whether to continue the boycott. Some people thought we should quit while we were ahead. And hardly anybody thought the boycott could go longer than the end of the week, which was four days. If it did, it could be very dangerous, because everyone knew that whites wouldn’t stand for it. [The boycott ended up lasting more than one year.]
Rosa Parks
You can learn something from everyone. Remember, no one is perfect. Keep this in mind as you set examples for others.
Rosa Parks
I did not get on the bus to get arrested; I got on the bus to go home.
Rosa Parks
I chose not to move, because I was right.
Rosa Parks
We should not let fear overcome us.
Rosa Parks
I don’t believe in gradualism or that whatever is to be done for the better should take forever to do.
Rosa Parks
A legacy should be cherished by those who receive it. It is my prayer that my legacy, and the legacy of my husband, will be a source of inspiration and strength to all who receive it.
Rosa Parks
Life is not a spectator sport. If you’re going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion you’re wasting your life.
Jackie Robinson
A life is not important, except in the impact it has on other lives.
Jackie Robinson
I had to win from the start if I wanted to eat as well as the rest of my friends.
Jackie Robinson
Many people resented my impatience and honesty, but I never cared about acceptance as much as I cared about respect.
Jackie Robinson
If I had to choose between baseball’s Hall of Fame and first class citizenship for all of my people. I would say first-class citizenship.
Jackie Robinson
The most luxurious possession, the richest treasure anybody has, is his personal dignity.
Jackie Robinson
Baseball is like a poker game. Nobody wants to quit when he’s losing; nobody wants you to quit when you’re ahead.
Jackie Robinson
Maybe I shouldn’t have said that, but I guess I did.
Jackie Robinson
Pop flies, in a sense, are just a diversion for a second baseman. Grounders are his stock in trade.
Jackie Robinson
At the beginning of the World Series of 1947, I experienced a completely new emotion when the National Anthem was played. This time, I thought, it is being played for me, as much as for anyone else.
Jackie Robinson
Yes, here is my homeground here and in all the Negro communities through the land. Here I stand.
Jackie Robinson
The way I figured it, I was even with baseball and baseball with me. The game had done much for me and I had done much for it.
Jackie Robinson
I know that I am a black man in a white world. In 1972, in 1947, at my birth in 1919, I know that I never had it made.
Jackie Robinson
We ask for nothing special. We ask only to be permitted to live as you live, and as our nation’s constitution provides.
Jackie Robinson
I never had it made.
Jackie Robinson
Money is America’s god and businesspeople can dig black power if it coincides with green power.
Jackie Robinson
I wanted my own business enterprises.
Jackie Robinson
If you found a black man making shoes or candy or ice cream, he was a rarity.
Jackie Robinson
Many people resented my impatience and honesty.
Jackie Robinson
How much more effective our demands for a piece of the action would be if we were negotiating from the strength or our own self-reliance rather than stating our case in the role of beggar or someone crying out for charity.
Jackie Robinson
Branch Rickey was an impressive-looking man. He had a classic face, an air of command, a deep, booming voice, and a way of cutting through red tape and getting down to basics.
Jackie Robinson
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