Robert Kiyosaki Quotes
240 Robert Kiyosaki Quotes (Robert T Kiyosaki Quotes)
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Students learn more by watching than they do by listening.
Robert Kiyosaki
You do not get rich at work. You get rich by doing your homework.
Robert Kiyosaki
You know your financial intelligence is increasing if as you get older your money is buying you more freedom, happiness, health and choices in life.
Robert Kiyosaki
If you are not happy while getting rich, chances are you will not be happy when you do get rich. So whether you are rich or poor, make sure you are happy.
Robert Kiyosaki
He loved having the time to watch his children grow up and to work on projects that interested him, whether or not they made money.
Robert Kiyosaki
If you are afraid of making mistakes, you will not want to do anything.
Robert Kiyosaki
We learn by making mistakes, yet in our school system we punish people for making too many of them.
Robert Kiyosaki
Many times people do not make money simply because they fear losing money more.
Robert Kiyosaki
He knew if children studied what they were interested in, they would find their geniuses and succeed.
Robert Kiyosaki
Conflicts between parent and child begin when the child’s winning formula for success is not the same as the parents’.
Robert Kiyosaki
Give your children power, before you give them money.
Robert Kiyosaki
The trick of parenting is to find ways to make a child want to learn rather than forcing the child to learn.
Robert Kiyosaki
People don’t become obsolete, but their ideas can become obsolete.
Robert Kiyosaki
Why was rich dad so rich? Because I retired early. If you don’t have to go to work, you have a lot of time to become rich.
Robert Kiyosaki
Action first, mistakes second, lessons third.
Robert Kiyosaki
I needed to study subjects not taught in school.
Robert Kiyosaki
One thing I suggest parents do is begin to encourage their child to find a way to retire by thirty.
Robert Kiyosaki
Your financial statement is an adults report card.
Robert Kiyosaki
I learned so much about money from my rich dad because he made learning fun. He always played games and did not try to cram information down my throat.
Robert Kiyosaki
In a true investor’s mind, it takes too much time to find a good investment, so they would rather buy and hold.
Robert Kiyosaki
Money is a teaching tool.
Robert Kiyosaki
Many people live in a black and white world or a right and wrong world. Many people would have advised you, ‘Never push back’, and still others would have said, ‘Push back.’ But the key to being successful in life is this: If you must push back, you must know exactly how hard to push back. Knowing how hard to push requires much more intelligence than simply saying, ‘Don’t push back’ or ‘Push back’.
Robert Kiyosaki
When you asked me to teach you, I wanted to see if you were willing to give something in exchange for my lessons. If you were not willing to give something in exchange, then that was the first lesson for you to figure out – after I turned you down. People who learn to expect something for nothing usually get nothing in real life.
Robert Kiyosaki
The more people you serve the richer you become.
Robert Kiyosaki
Genius = GENI – IN – US
Robert Kiyosaki
Making mistakes is natural. Making mistakes is how we learn.
Robert Kiyosaki
The questions is, ‘Can you become very good at investing in at least two different assets or asset classes? If you can, financial magic can happen.’
Robert Kiyosaki
The better your investment education, the better investment advice you will receive.
Robert Kiyosaki
If you do not make the time to learn to be a better investor now, you will be saying the same things tomorrow as you are today. You’ll still be saying ‘I didn’t have time to learn more and do more research.’ Because of your impatience, your laziness, and your lame excuses about not having enough time, you will do the same thing you just did, which is to hand your money over to total strangers and have no ideas what they are doing with your money.
Robert Kiyosaki
Don’t focus on the money. Focus on learning to be a better investor.
Robert Kiyosaki
Think like a dairy farmer (cashflow), not like a cattle rancher (capital gains).
Robert Kiyosaki
In my seminars, I am often asked, ‘Why don’t more people invest for cashflow? While I am certain there are many answers, I believe there is one primary reason… and that reason is, good cashflow at a good price is hard to find.
Robert Kiyosaki
Rich dad always surrounded himself with smart people from different professions and listened more than he talked.
Robert Kiyosaki
When it comes to wine, many people are faking it… pretending they know something… pretending to be experts. The vineyards make a lot of money catering to that pretence, playing along with the pseudo-sophisticated charade. If we make them feel they are intelligent and sophisticated, they tend to buy more of the expensive wine, even if there is not really much difference from one vintage to the next. The more we cater to their egos, the more wine at higher prices we sell. We know the primary motivation of most amateur wine connoisseurs is not really to become wine experts, but more to impress their friends at their next dinner party.
Robert Kiyosaki
Better investors seek better information. Better information is not immediately available. You must go in search of it.
Robert Kiyosaki
Most financial writers may be well educated but not necessarily financially successful.
Robert Kiyosaki
Markets continually change. It also reminds me to look for investment opportunities in different markets, rather than keep going back to a well that is dry.
Robert Kiyosaki
Although it is a painful lesson, I have come to realise that the more financially successful I become, the more I need to keep my ego and arrogance in check. Instead of becoming more arrogant, which is not financial intelligence, I remind myself to become more grateful and humble, so I can continue to learn and earn more, rather than give it all back to the market, which I have done. I have learned the hard way that not only does my money follow Newton’s law, so does my intelligence.
Robert Kiyosaki
Time waits for no one. The same is true for opportunities.
Robert Kiyosaki
Four reasons why some people can’t become power investors: 1) The power of the word can’t 2) The power of easy (Make it easy – Money flows to the person who makes life easy) 3) The rich make it easy to be poor 4) Investing without guarantees
Robert Kiyosaki
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