Anthony Robbins Quotes

280 Anthony Robbins Quotes

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Just because you don’t see immediate results, it doesn’t mean you’re not making progress.
Anthony Robbins

Sometimes we just have to trust that God knows when it’s time for us to become butterflies.
Anthony Robbins

You are the source of all your emotions.
Anthony Robbins

You don’t need an excuse to allow yourself to feel good.
Anthony Robbins

Understand that all emotions serve you. Those you once thought of as negative emotions are merely calls to action.
Anthony Robbins

Realise that you’ve successfully handled this emotion before.
Anthony Robbins

The best time to handle a ‘negative’ emotion is when you first begin to feel it. Kill the monster while it’s little.
Anthony Robbins

Reach out and connect.
Anthony Robbins

All communication is either a loving response or a cry for help.
Anthony Robbins

Live with an attitude of gratitude.
Anthony Robbins

Curious people are never bored, and for them, life becomes an unending study of joy.
Anthony Robbins

Ignite your passion.
Anthony Robbins

Determination makes the difference between being stuck and being struck with the lightning power of commitment!
Anthony Robbins

Your ability to be flexible in your rules; the meaning you attach to things, and your actions will determine your long term success or failure, not to mention your level of joy.
Anthony Robbins

Imagine and feel certain now about the emotions you deserve to have.
Anthony Robbins

The secret to living is giving.
Anthony Robbins

Knowing what to do is not enough, you must do what you know.
Anthony Robbins

The same kind of thinking that has brought us to where we are will not get us where we want to go.
Anthony Robbins

We can’t control the wind or the rain or the other vagaries of weather. But we can tack our sails such that we can steer the course we desire.
Anthony Robbins

Never spend more than 10 percent of your time on the problem, and always spend at least 90 percent of your time on the solution.
Anthony Robbins

Life is a balance. If we refuse to see the weeds taking root in our gardens, our delusions will destroy us. Equally destructive, however is to misperceive the garden as overrun. The path of leaders is one of balance.
Anthony Robbins

‘Success is processional’, it results from a series of small disciplines. Like a freight train picking up speed, this exercise in leaving behind old patterns and refuelling yourself with new ones will give you unprecedented momentum.
Anthony Robbins

The difference in people is how they reason.
Anthony Robbins

Understanding the components of your decision making system can help you not only understand your own behaviour, but anticipate what you’ll be repelled from and pulled toward.
Anthony Robbins

People are not their behaviours.
Anthony Robbins

You wouldn’t judge the stock market solely on one day when it plunged 30 points; by the same token, you can’t judge a person’s character on one isolated incident. Understand what drives them, and you will really know them.
Anthony Robbins

Superior evaluations, create a superior life.
Anthony Robbins

You can save yourself years of pain by modelling the strategies of those who are already succeeding.
Anthony Robbins

If you’re in a state of confidence and positive expectancy, the decisions, you make will be quite different than if you’re feeling vulnerable and fearful.
Anthony Robbins

Whether or not you take action, is strongly influenced by the specific questions you ask yourself.
Anthony Robbins

We all want to feel more pleasure and less pain, but we’ve each learned different lessons about what will lead to these.
Anthony Robbins

Masters are simply those who have more references than the rest of us about what leads to success or frustration in a given area.
Anthony Robbins

You become the master of your fate.
Anthony Robbins

When you think of things that are easy to do, you ‘chunk’ them very differently.
Anthony Robbins

If we want the deepest fulfilment, we can achieve it only one way: by deciding what we desire most in life – what our highest values are – then committing to live by our decision every single day.
Anthony Robbins

We all respect men and women who take a stand for what they believe, even if we don’t agree with their ideas about what’s right or wrong.
Anthony Robbins

A value is an emotional state.
Anthony Robbins

As we make decisions we consider whether these pain or pleasure states will be a consequence of our actions.
Anthony Robbins

Unless you live consistent with your deepest values, you’ll achieve but still lack the ultimate fulfilment you truly desire.
Anthony Robbins

Decision making is nothing but values clarification.
Anthony Robbins

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