Bertie Charles Forbes Quotes

1045 Bertie Charles Forbes Quotes

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Only a man’s motives and mission make him great.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Learn and you lead. Loaf and you lean.
Bertie Charles Forbes

In the end the things that count are the things you can’t count.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The best grease is elbow-grease.
Bertie Charles Forbes

A shady business never yields a sunny life.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Diamond are chunks of coal that stuck to their job.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Don’t just float or you’ll sink.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Success rarely is an accident.
Bertie Charles Forbes

You will search for opportunity in vain unless you have planted its roots within you.
Bertie Charles Forbes

It isn’t a big success if there wasn’t big effort.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Is you boss entitled to regard you as an ass or an asset?
Bertie Charles Forbes

How can you make a hit if you have no aim in life?
Bertie Charles Forbes

A dose of adversity is often as needful as a dose of medicine.
Bertie Charles Forbes

If you do the best and the most you can today, don’t worry about tomorrow.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The man who shows up best is the one who shows off least.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Work is the meat of life, pleasure the dessert.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The biggest fool is the man who fools himself.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Fate pursues cowards. Fortune pursues the courageous.
Bertie Charles Forbes

If you are content to drift lazily you’ll by and by find yourself at sea.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The best investment for a young man is investment in his own education.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The best day for doing your best is the one that comes seven times a week.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Automobiles that are not self-starters are out of date. So are employees.
Bertie Charles Forbes

It may be no disgrace to be defeated. It is a disgrace to stay defeated.
Bertie Charles Forbes

We usually have to earn a thing before we get it.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Develop pluck. Let the other fellow trust to luck.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The most priceless pictures of all are those we hang on the walls of our memory.
Bertie Charles Forbes

It costs a bee its life to sting. It costs mortals almost as much.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Smiles shorten the miles.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Don’t wait for something to turn up. Go and turn it up.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Take the broom and sweep out Gus Gloom.
Bertie Charles Forbes

A happy wedding: The wedding of optimism and energy.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The best time to have courage is when others lose theirs.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Just waiting sometimes is a virtue. Sweating more often is.
Bertie Charles Forbes

If you had no difficulties to triumph over you would have no triumph. Make this thought part of your mental equipment.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Your work enemies lurk within yourself.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Few men can handle money they didn’t earn.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The really big man never allows his head to get too big.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Incompetence most often springs from indifference.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Meet obstacles – or meet failure.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Winning teams are not captained by pessimists.
Bertie Charles Forbes

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