Bertie Charles Forbes Quotes

1045 Bertie Charles Forbes Quotes

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The highest form of spending is spending self for others.
Bertie Charles Forbes

An empty head leads to an empty pocket.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The worst pest is the pessimist.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Humility becomes ability.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Which can you be likened to in your organization, a drop of oil that helps to make things run smoothly, or a grain of sand that tends to hurt the gears?
Bertie Charles Forbes

To keep pace with the universe, keep moving.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Over-sleeping and over-eating hurt more people than over-working.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Disease is dis-ease. A good-working high-power ambition is one preventive.
Bertie Charles Forbes

You have no idea how big the other fellow’s troubles are.
Bertie Charles Forbes

True economy sometimes calls for courageous expenditure as well as for courageous saving.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Adversity can teach virtues often overlooked by success.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Hammering hardens steel but plays havoc with putty. Which are you?
Bertie Charles Forbes

A motto for your desk: TIME IS LIFE. DON’T MURDER ME.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Work is what you make it, your best friend or your worst enemy.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Every act is a boomerang. Read that again.
Bertie Charles Forbes

A recipe for happiness: Give and forgive.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Concentration begets penetration.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Bust rather than rust.
Bertie Charles Forbes

If we never experienced bad times we would not appreciate good times.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Your best capital is yourself.
Bertie Charles Forbes

To make it easier for you to be given a higher place, train an understudy.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Your opinion of others is apt to be their opinion of you.
Bertie Charles Forbes

If there were no difficulties there would be no triumphs.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The faultfinder is rarely a pathfinder.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Most leaders are diligent readers.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Those who perpetually find fault usually have lots of their own.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The fellow who gets too big for his shoes is apt to finish up barefooted.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Success usually is a plant of slow growth although its flowering may seem sudden.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Opportunity knocks as often as a man has an ear trained to hear her, an eye trained to see her, a hand trained to grasp her, and a head trained to utilize her.
Bertie Charles Forbes

You look at your own troubles through the magnifying end of the telescope, at the other fellow’s through the other end. His are probably bigger than yours.
Bertie Charles Forbes

If we don’t do all that we are paid to do, by and by nobody will want to pay us for what we want to do.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Roosevelt said he would rather wear out than rust out. You?
Bertie Charles Forbes

Have a purpose. Then plan and plug. Finally – plug still more.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The man who can’t make his mind up is not likely to make much else.
Bertie Charles Forbes

If you are really a superior work, you don’t need to talk about it. The results will speak for themselves.
Bertie Charles Forbes

To win and keep friends, be one.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Defeat is often a spur to victory.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Thinking costs nothing, yet creates everything.
Bertie Charles Forbes

A smile oils life’s bearings.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Sometimes failure develops a man quicker and better than success would.
Bertie Charles Forbes

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