Bertie Charles Forbes Quotes

1045 Bertie Charles Forbes Quotes (BC Forbes Quotes, B C Forbes)

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The best time to hold on is when you reach the point where the average fellow would quit.
Bertie Charles Forbes

How you use today determines how tomorrow will use you.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Aspire – then perspire.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The longer you gaze on an obstacle the bigger it becomes.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The eight-hour-day self-made millionaire has yet to be born.
Bertie Charles Forbes

To get more, make yourself worth more.
Bertie Charles Forbes

You can’t build a skyscraper on a faulty foundation. Attend to the foundation first.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Don’t intend; do.
Bertie Charles Forbes

For the young man embarking on the sea of life the best training is hardship.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Do more than you are paid for. Some day you will collect.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Strength comes from struggle, weakness from ease.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The fellow who isn’t fired with enthusiasm is apt to be fired.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Small minds can look only for small opportunities.
Bertie Charles Forbes

It may be true that the willing horse gets the heaviest load. But once in a while he also gets the most oats.
Bertie Charles Forbes

To earn more learn more.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Success consists not of getting, but of doing.
Bertie Charles Forbes

There’s only one thing more important than knowing – doing.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Adversity often precedes advancement.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Any fool can give up. The thing to do is to keep up.
Bertie Charles Forbes

There must be output before there can be income.
Bertie Charles Forbes

One investment that pays good dividends is stick-to-itiveness.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Listening often pays better than talking.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The wise man always wants to teach someone to fill his place.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Difficulties vanquished, strengthen.
Bertie Charles Forbes

It doesn’t help a great deal to know more than others if you don’t put your knowledge to work.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Hard training makes for easier going.
Bertie Charles Forbes

If you want your ship to come in, steer a straight course.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Little performance usually accompanies big talk.
Bertie Charles Forbes

A goodly share of hurdles early in life help you to get on better later in life.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Two success mottoes: Do. Do without.
Bertie Charles Forbes

A big head and big bank account don’t keep company very long.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Genius is largely a matter of guts.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Trying to succeed without much reading and studying would be like trying to build a house without hammer and saw.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Thought is the parent of progress.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Education is to the brain what food is to the body.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Men never think in crowds.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Success is the final fruit of millions of thoughts and acts, millions of little untrumpeted efforts, millions of experimental steps.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Any man who does not strive and sweat to rise about the poverty line is a fool.
Bertie Charles Forbes

All success is based on enthusiasm.
Bertie Charles Forbes

To get up, never give up.
Bertie Charles Forbes

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