Bill Gates Quotes

1003 Bill Gates Quotes

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If we thought we had scientists who could cure AIDS then, boy, I’d put a lot of money on that because that would really change things. Unfortunately what we have is lifelong treatment, which involves everyday taking the drugs…
Bill Gates

It’s very typical that vaccines get used in the rich world. It takes about 15 years until they get to the poorest kids, and cutting through that has been harder than I expected.
Bill Gates

We know we have to invent some vaccines…
Bill Gates

[On the quandary that sufficient resources are not being dedicated to finding a malaria vaccine.] We know we have to invent some vaccines, unfortunately, because malaria is only in poor countries.
Bill Gates

In the case of AIDS… the prevalence is low enough that the rich world can afford to put everybody on drug treatment, but the world as a whole because of the poor countries can’t and won’t have enough money to put everybody on drugs.
Bill Gates

[On AIDS in February 2011] The willingness to cut through regulatory things and move fast isn’t very strong because the rich world feels OK about that disease whereas really it’s still a crisis.
Bill Gates

In health, if you take the first percent of spending, say, on vaccines or taking care of mothers and babies… Saving lives, avoiding sickness - comes from that very small part. So as you spend more and more, you get less and less benefit.
Bill Gates

[On the domestic benefits of vaccines] It’s so magical it’s easy to forget. You just take it for granted.
Bill Gates

[On vaccines in 2011] But there’s also skepticism out there. And it’s not just in the United States, but we have to constantly be very careful about the safety of these things and make sure the word gets out about that and make sure that we keep the investment going, because it’s the only way for many of these things…
Bill Gates

There won’t be enough money to treat everybody and so we have to stop people getting infected.
Bill Gates

When you think of a mother having a child die, in the United States that’s so tragic and fortunately so rare. And to see that money wasn’t being put into these the diseases that were very widespread it kind of blows the mind.
Bill Gates

[On getting involved with health] We got into kind of a funny way where we were very involved in reproductive health, letting mothers have access to tools of contraception, nothing to do with abortion, just a choice of educated adults. And we saw that as having this great effect that when people had a choice to have a smaller family size if that’s what they wanted it would make everything easier. Only when we learned about health having this effect of reducing family size we thought, oh, wow, we can get involved in this so we don’t have to feel conflicted that is it bad to have more healthy children? It turns out it’s very, very good.
Bill Gates

[In 2011 on parents having less children if they think their children will survive.] I had to be told that three or four times before I understood that, and the implication.
Bill Gates

The higher your infectious disease burden the lower your average IQ. And it’s very dramatic. The majority of the kids have an IQ of less than 80.
Bill Gates

Helping the teachers do their job very well, that is the key.
Bill Gates

[In 2011] Long school days is very tough because you’re either adding money or you’re finding some other cost that you’re going to eliminate or asking people to work for less, so that one is controversial.
Bill Gates

[In 2011 on whether it was fair judging a teacher on the graduation of one’s kids or on the test scores of those kids.] Versus judging you on nothing… You have to decide. I would rather judge them on multiple factors… We’re taking videos. We’re putting a panoramic camera in the classroom that shows the teacher and the kids, and then we let third parties look and say, OK, are the kids staying interested?
Bill Gates

You see these great teachers, amazing results, and they achieve them with kids who have low background, who have high background, and they don’t achieve them by teaching to test. They get those kids interested, enthused.
Bill Gates

[On judging teachers] Peer evaluation works quite well.
Bill Gates

We don’t have many things in society where you go up and you ask somebody to mow your lawn and when it comes time to pay them you say ‘How long have you been mowing lawns? Oh, I’d like to pay you double because you’ve been mowing lawns a long time.’
Bill Gates

[In 2011] Today, baseball players are better than they were 30 years ago. Are teachers better? Some are, some around aren’t.
Bill Gates

[In 2011] If you take what Greece’s fiscal problem is and you take Illinois and New Jersey, it’s very similar.
Bill Gates

[In 2011 on the government deficit] You have to cut spending. You have to reduce tax expenditure.
Bill Gates

[On the government deficit in 2011] I’m not some expert on when is the economy ready for which change, and all that. But every rational solution involves more taxation and spending cuts.
Bill Gates

It is a very tough problem. I don’t want us to cut educational spending.
Bill Gates

[In 2011] Reagan didn’t shrink the government - Newt Gingrich didn’t shrink the government. Now we’re forced to make harder choices than ever…
Bill Gates

[In 2011 on government spending] We need to look at why we spend as much.
Bill Gates

[In February 2011] How many teachers are you willing to fire in order to have 78-year-olds have a procedure which will be invented five years from now that adds four months to their life? That sounds terrible, but infinitely choosing those things will shift you away from education for the young and towards infinite invention of such procedures.
Bill Gates

[On the United States’ competitive edge in 2011] We’d have to keep making a lot of mistakes for several decades before we’d lose that edge. It’s great that other countries are becoming more innovative. When my child gets sick I won’t look at the pill and say ‘My gosh, it’s made in China.’ If they’ve invented something that can save my child’s life I’ll say hallelujah, it’s a better world… The U.S. lead is very strong.
Bill Gates

[In 2011] The U.S. has a lot of great things working in its favor. Smart people still want to come to this country. Do we make it as easy for them as we ought to? I don’t think so.
Bill Gates

[In 2011] Microsoft does a disproportionate amount of its research here in the United States, and that’s because there are great people graduating from those universities
Bill Gates

If you get that protectionist type mentality, it actually hurts us…
Bill Gates

In the past, in the cold war, a lot of money was spent to buy friendship. And, you know, did we when we gave money to Mobutu say, ‘Hey, are you spending it well?’
Bill Gates

[In 2011] I think we will have a malaria vaccine but it’s not there yet. The biggest disappointment is that I was naive about how slow, how complex these things are.
Bill Gates

I think it’s easier to ask people to do one thing at a time…
Bill Gates

[In 2007] It will be nice to finally have a college degree on my résumé.
Bill Gates

I also want to be recognized as the guy who got Steve Ballmer to drop out of business school. I’m a bad influence.
Bill Gates

[In 2007 at a Harvard University graduation] I’m a bad influence. If I had spoken at your orientation, fewer of you might be here today.
Bill Gates

Radcliffe was a great place to live. There were more women up there, and most of the guys were science-math types. That combination offered me the best odds, if you know what I mean. This is where I learned the sad lesson that improving your odds doesn’t guarantee success.
Bill Gates

What I remember above all about Harvard was being in the midst of so much energy and intelligence. It could be exhilarating, intimidating, sometimes even discouraging, but always challenging.
Bill Gates

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