Bill Nickerson Quotes

102 Bill Nickerson Quotes (William Nickerson Quotes)

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Buying anything with no income is pure speculation.
Bill Nickerson

Opportunity in real estate investment is always there, waiting for you. Let it change your life so you can become wealthy.
Bill Nickerson

Our idea when we bought our first rental property was that it would be a good objective to have a clear, independent income of $102 monthly by the time I retired from the telephone company with a modest pension at sixty-five. [Bill retired when he was 42 in 1959 with 1 million dollars worth of property and by 1984 Bill Nickerson had 5 million dollars worth of real estate.]
Bill Nickerson

Opportunity is in your state of mind.
Bill Nickerson

You don’t need lucky breaks to make money in real estate. You don’t need a particularly high IQ. You don’t even need a large nest egg to get yourself started on real estate fortune. All you need is average intelligence and average luck.
Bill Nickerson

Buy only property that you can improve, with sound financing.
Bill Nickerson

Opportunity comes not necessarily to those who wait, but to those who know where to look for it and what they’re looking for.
Bill Nickerson

There are four major factors working away for you who yearn to invest in real estate. Besides time and inflation… they are technology and the stork! [Population growth]
Bill Nickerson

There will always be opportunity.
Bill Nickerson

Riches are impossible for those who are hopelessly obsessed with security.
Bill Nickerson

The best way to avoid pitfalls is to understand them.
Bill Nickerson

Skepticism and investigation are the best defenses against money-losing schemes.
Bill Nickerson

America owes its founding and its great strength to leaders whose courage sought opportunity above security.
Bill Nickerson

The quickest way to lose a friend or embitter a relative is to lend money which he proves unable to pay back.
Bill Nickerson

Many who have never succeeded in personal investments are eager to tell you how to conduct your affairs.
Bill Nickerson

Gambling is not a sure thing – that’s why they call it gambling.
Bill Nickerson

By far the surest road to a fortune that can match or surpass your golden dreams is to buy, with sound financing, fixer-upper properties that you can improve.
Bill Nickerson

We can all be thankful that this free-enterprise land of America offers not only the freedom to seek a better life, but also abundant opportunities to find it.
Bill Nickerson

Should we believe this crybaby who says there are no more opportunities? Like Chicken Little he keeps hollering that the sky is falling. And sad to say, he has already gone bankrupt following his own advice! Or should we believe the world is full of opportunities, and that the best advice to follow is from the multitude of real estate investors who have actually made their fortunes?
Bill Nickerson

Pessimists leave more bargains for realistic investors…
Bill Nickerson

[In 1986] Real estate opportunities today for the average person are greater than they have ever been.
Bill Nickerson

[In 1986] America is a land where anyone who really wants to can become a millionaire, or a multi-millionaire as I have…
Bill Nickerson

Teddy Roosevelt said, ‘Real estate is the surest and safest road to financial independence.’
Bill Nickerson

Andrew Carnegie estimated that 90 percent of millionaire fortunes are made in real estate.
Bill Nickerson

When we started investing we were seeking only a minimum financial security, but we found financial independence beyond our wildest dreams.
Bill Nickerson

What started as an investment tail was now wagging the wage dog, as my net rental income was ten times bigger than my salary… It was one of the sweetest moments of my life when I was able to say, ‘Dear Boss. I quit!’
Bill Nickerson

All investors and the country as a whole will be better off if as many people as possible know how to reap the fruits of free enterprise and share in the American Dream.
Bill Nickerson

You don’t need any lucky breaks to make money in real estate. You don’t need a particularly high IQ. You don’t even need a large nest egg to get yourself started on your real estate fortune. All you need… is average intelligence, and average luck to make a million in real estate.
Bill Nickerson

You do need to develop six special attributes for maximum success. They are ambition, imagination, courage, persistence, judgment, and willingness.
Bill Nickerson

What is the basic difference between speculation and investment? Investment property pays an income to help carry itself right from the beginning while you are making improvements to increase it’s value. Buying anything with no income is pure speculation. This applies to vacant land, to gold and silver, and to diamonds.
Bill Nickerson

Your first investment should be a property that needs fixing up, but has a foundation of proven rents.
Bill Nickerson

Both government and insurance company studies show that if you take out a mortgage to buy property, the odds are four hundred to one in your favor that it will be paid off… If you start a new business, according to the Department of Commerce, the odds are four to one that you will go broke. Thus your chances as a property investor are 1,600 to one better than if you start a new business.
Bill Nickerson

What is the riskiest real estate?… any overfinanced property, bought with little or nothing down, where the loan is too big for you to make the payments.
Bill Nickerson

The worst specific sucker bait for the average investor is buying a resort… A reporter asked two resort owners, ‘What would you do if I gave you $1 million?’ One resort operator said, ‘I’d quit work and go fishing every day, take it easy and live off the income the rest of my life.’ The second owner said, ‘I’d just keep on running my resort till my million was all gone!’
Bill Nickerson

There are many ways… to make a fortune, but investment in fixer-upper rental dwellings is the surest road, meeting a vital necessity of life.
Bill Nickerson

Every $1 you decide to spend on improvements must increase value at least $2.
Bill Nickerson

I have learned that it pays to study a problem, then put it aside and let your subconscious help find the answer. When an answer comes in the middle of the night, it pay s to get up and write the inspiration down. You can sleep better afterward, and your solution is still there and not lost in the cold light of morning.
Bill Nickerson

It is sound not to borrow heavily for personal pleasure, for then you are only a money consumer. But it is sound to borrow for investment to make money.
Bill Nickerson

Every item is negotiable.
Bill Nickerson

Housing is a living entity. If you bleed it or neglect it, housing will decay…
Bill Nickerson

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