Bob Jones Quotes

120 Bob Jones Quotes (Sir Robert Jones Quotes)

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No-one will take as much care with your money as you will yourself.
Bob Jones

Investment expertise can never be bought or hired. Anyone possessing such skill will use it on his own behalf for the maximum personal gain, and will not on behalf of a host of ungrateful strangers for a pittance of a salary.
Bob Jones

Why people can’t deduce the blatantly obvious proposition that the only reason people try to sell property in another country is because they can’t sell it at home, is a mystery.
Bob Jones

The trials and tribulations of property development would turn a nun into an axe-murderer.
Bob Jones

My personal rules is that no matter how tempting at times, I never borrow against any individual property so much that interest payments will exceed the property’s income.
Bob Jones

Any experienced investor knows only too well that when it comes to liquidity and interest rates, nothing is carved in stone. That is why, like everything in life, professional investors seek as much certainty as possible and always opt for a long-term fixed interest rate when they borrow, no matter that current forecasting may be projecting future interest rate declines. If the deal works at current rates, then only a fool would place it in the realms of uncertainty by borrowing at floating rates.
Bob Jones

Many [property investors] are migrants driven by a hunger to succeed and a self-help attitude deserving of nothing but respect.
Bob Jones

It’s impossible to hire good property minds in any entrepreneurial or investment sense, because such people always works for themselves.
Bob Jones

Any investor who’s been around the block will confirm that the old adage about banks being fair-weather friends is true. Banks clamour to lend money in good times, but panic when the economy turns southwards.
Bob Jones

Although providing investment advice for strangers is damn near impossible, friends are a different proposition, although it’s still a worry that something might go wrong and, if it does, that too often the advisor cops the blame.
Bob Jones

[On talking about the fluctuating stock market.] Study[ing] the ever-fluctuating fate of their retirement capital is not conducive to peace of mind.
Bob Jones

Why an accountant would know anything special about running a business, let alone property, is a mystery to me.
Bob Jones

All professional investors in any investment medium, and not just property, no matter how wealthy, apply a gearing factor through debt to maximise income and capital returns. Call the shots wrong, however and one’s income and capital losses are correspondingly magnified, which is why debt leverage should always be kept at sensibly moderate levels.
Bob Jones

Although investment property values are never stable, as a general proposition they move upwards over the years, in line with increasing population and prosperity. But the value growth is rarely a steadfast rise. Rather it occurs in sudden leaps over a year or 18 months of rapid increments, when demand temporarily outweighs supply, then plateaus for another three to five years, before bursting into song again.
Bob Jones

It is the astute property investor’s function to anticipate those price spurts and get his hand up beforehand for as many new acquisitions as he can. If he’s right in his forecast, he can afford to initially gear higher than he may normally consider prudent, because such a debt level will become diminished quickly during such value surges.
Bob Jones

In some respects, sophisticated investors may seem to be involved in a ghoulish trade, because they prosper most during economic downturns, buying in cheap and awaiting the inevitable recovery.
Bob Jones

In short, the golden rule of property investment is to buy quality and never sell.
Bob Jones

Rapid wealth from property investment stems primarily from borrowed funds and it follows that anyone capable of organising a property empire is smart enough to do it on his own behalf and not for the benefit of a lot of old lady shareholders.
Bob Jones

You should do your own investing and not let others do it for you no matter how small your beginnings. You will make far more money with far less risk.
Bob Jones

Property is a money business and when emotion intrudes the money goes right out the window.
Bob Jones

Retailers rarely do much better than make a comfortable living with life a continuing struggle for most of them.
Bob Jones

One can make bold and adventurous property decisions but pioneering entirely new concepts will to often, in retrospect, be seen as commercially courageous but financially foolish.
Bob Jones

In short, I am saying stay away from undeveloped land. It will return you nothing or next to nothing on your capital and cost you rates while you wait for a miracle. If you’re lucky and the miracle occurs, chances are it could happen to coincide with the fortunately rare occasions when the voting public lose their senses and give the Labour Party a crack in office.
Bob Jones

[On retail property] I can think of no more punishing deterrent for our more hardened criminals than to sentence them to a one year term as landlord of a block of small tenancy shops. If the snivelling and whining, petty deceitfulness and small mindedness of their tenants does not drive them to suicide, the experience will certainly teach them to never offend again.
Bob Jones

[On public companies] It is perfectly proper for our newspapers to allocate the proportion of space they do to financial and economic matters but ludicrous that this should be dominated by the affairs of public companies, a great number of which make less money and, for that matter provide a lesser service, than the average risqué massage parlour.
Bob Jones

When cash is burning a hole in your pocket the important thing is not to weaken and buy dubious location property even if central Wellington office blocks seem beyond your purse.
Bob Jones

I frequently marvel at the self regulating behaviour of the free market which, if left untampered, always achieves the lowest possible and most competitive rental levels in a way that no government imposed regulation, rent freeze or price control can hope to accomplish.
Bob Jones

[On mortgage gearing] There is nothing immoral or profiteering about this phenomenon that can transform an eager beaver, penniless and pimpled youth who refuses to sell out and join the public service, into a multi-millionaire tycoon overnight.
Bob Jones

[On insurance] To dispose of their doubtful product life offices need vast armies of commission salesmen. Most of these men are appropriately ashamed of their occupation and will go to great lengths to disguise it by adopting pretentious titles such as underwriters and consultants.
Bob Jones

[On investing in hotels/motels] From an investment point of view, hotels and motels are like farms; they are no bloody good – offering a life-style, lots of hard work and a rotten return.
Bob Jones

This leverage factor, more than anything else, is the great advantage of real estate and explains the overnight fortunes that are made from astute property involvement. A property investor can deal in money sums many times greater than his actual resources, but with profits corresponding to the total amounts involved.
Bob Jones

[On property syndicates] I cannot imagine any other outcome for syndicate property investors than that they end up doing to one another what married people start out doing.
Bob Jones

[On commercial property] The rough rule of thumb in New Zealand is that an investment property is worth ten times its net income after allowance for fixed outgoings – rates, insurances, maintenance and any other associated costs.
Bob Jones

As a general rule, I never buy property in boom conditions being cynically aware that such joyous periods last all too briefly.
Bob Jones

When everyone else is buying I go fishing and when the market sours I’m buying.
Bob Jones

If life insurance had any merit at all, as fire insurance certainly does, people would want to buy it without the prodding of a massive sales force.
Bob Jones

Act only on your terms.
Bob Jones

First time investors too frequently make the mistake of impulsive action, buying for no better reason than that the money is hot in their pockets.
Bob Jones

If you want to succeed in the property business think out clearly in advance your objectives and be prepared to look at an enormous number of possibilities and to buy very few of them.
Bob Jones

I imagine the public viewing their signboards on so many development projects are deluded into thinking they are making a killing, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Bob Jones

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