Brian Tracy Quotes

455 Brian Tracy Quotes

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Success equals goals; all else is commentary.
Brian Tracy

Be a lifelong student. The more you learn, the more you earn and the more self-confidence you will have.
Brian Tracy

Read an hour every day in your chosen field. This works out to about one book per week, 50 books per year, and will guarantee your success.
Brian Tracy

At least eighty percent of millionaires are self-made. That is, they started with nothing but ambition and energy, he same way most of us start.
Brian Tracy

Make a decision to be successful right now. Most people never decide to be wealthy and that is why they retire poor.
Brian Tracy

Most people engage in activities that are tension-relieving rather than goal-achieving.
Brian Tracy

Spend eighty percent of your time focusing on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than the problems of yesterday.
Brian Tracy

Listen to audiocassettes in your car; turn your car into a mobile “learning machine.”
Brian Tracy

Adopt the same body posture and positioning as your customer. This causes him to relax and be comfortable with you.
Brian Tracy

Think before you speak, and then speak clearly and distinctly. Face the customer directly, lean forward, smile and relax.
Brian Tracy

Be courteous and polite with everyone you meet when you are selling; you can never tell who has the real power.
Brian Tracy

Shake hands firmly; look him or her in the eye and say, “How do you do?”
Brian Tracy

Go slow at the beginning; seek first to understand, and then to be understood.
Brian Tracy

Become excellent at prospecting to overcome your fear of it. Inability to prospect is a major reason for sales failure.
Brian Tracy

List three reasons why a prospect should buy from you personally rather than from someone else.
Brian Tracy

Complete the sentence: “I could sell all I wanted if only my prospects didn’t say…”
Brian Tracy

Become great in selling by spending more time with better prospects; how could you do this?
Brian Tracy

Join the business organizations and associations that are important to your industry. This can really pay off.
Brian Tracy

Recognize that value has a different meaning to different types of decision-makers.
Brian Tracy

Refuse to make excuses for failure; instead, look for the valuable lessons you can learn each time.
Brian Tracy

Read one hour per day to become better in selling; study the best that’s ever been written.
Brian Tracy

Get around positive people; associate with the most successful salespeople in your field.
Brian Tracy

Develop a workaholic mentality; don’t socialize or waste time.
Brian Tracy

Throw yourself wholeheartedly into your work; the more you enjoy it, the better you get.
Brian Tracy

Become excellent at telephone prospecting; learn to play the telephone like a musical instrument.
Brian Tracy

Be teachable; always assume that there is vital information you still need to learn.
Brian Tracy

Practice “creative procrastination.” Put off calling on low-value, low-probability prospects and customers.
Brian Tracy

Use your time wisely; focus your energies where you can achieve major results.
Brian Tracy

Analyze your competition thoroughly; be clear about where you are strong and they are weak.
Brian Tracy

Identify the primary reasons that people do not buy from you; how could you remove these obstacles?
Brian Tracy

Identify your “limiting step” to sales success; what’s holding you back?
Brian Tracy

Treat objections as requests for further information.
Brian Tracy

Compliment every objection by saying, “That’s a good question.”
Brian Tracy

Use the telephone like a business tool; get on and off fast.
Brian Tracy

Hear your customer out completely, no matter how many times you’ve heard the same things before.
Brian Tracy

Attend every sales seminar available; the highest paid are the best educated in their field.
Brian Tracy

Launch your new sales career by making 100 sales calls as fast as you can. Don’t worry about selling anything.
Brian Tracy

Be truthful with your customers; tell them who you are and who you represent up-front.
Brian Tracy

Visualize yourself performing at your best in every sales situation.
Brian Tracy

Inhale and exhale deeply several times before every sales presentation to relax yourself.
Brian Tracy

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