Charles Schwab Quotes

101 Charles Schwab Quotes

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Personality is to a man what perfume is to a flower.
Charles Schwab

Lead the life that will make you kindly and friendly to everyone about you, and you will be surprised what a happy life you will lead.
Charles Schwab

The men kept looking up to see how much more time they had to put in. All save one! Over in the corner a young man was so absorbed that he seemed to have forgotten there was a clock in the room. When the hour finally came the others hustled for their coats and hats… One hardly need to add that later he became a most valued engineer, a high-salaried man.
Charles Schwab

[On working men rising to become present leaders] I am convinced are not natural prodigies. They won out by using normal brains to think beyond their manifest daily duty.
Charles Schwab

American industry is spilling over with men who started life even with the leaders, with brains just as big, with hands quite as capable. And yet one man emerges from the mass, rises sheer about his fellows; and the rest remain.
Charles Schwab

The men who miss success have two general alibis: ‘I’m not a genius’ is one; and the other, ‘There aren’t the opportunities today there used to be’.
Charles Schwab

The thing that most people call ‘genius’ I do not believe in.
Charles Schwab

I am sure that few successful men are so-called ‘natural geniuses.’
Charles Schwab

There is not a man in power at our Bethlehem steel works today who did not begin at the bottom and work his way up…
Charles Schwab

The fifteen men in direct charge of the [Bethlehem steel] plants were selected not because of some startling stroke of genius but because, day in and day out, they were doing little unusual things – thinking beyond their jobs.
Charles Schwab

Most talk about ‘super-geniuses’ is nonsense. I have found that when ‘stars’ drop out, successors are usually at hand to fill their places, and the successors are merely men who have learned by application and self-discipline to get full production from an average, normal brain.
Charles Schwab

The inventor, the man with a unique, specialized talent, is the only real super-genius. But he is so rare that he needs no consideration…
Charles Schwab

I have always felt that the surest way to qualify for the job just ahead is to work a little harder than any one else on the job one is holding down.
Charles Schwab

One of the most successful men I have known never carried a watch until he began to earn ten thousand dollars a year.
Charles Schwab

The best investment a young man starting out in business can possibly make is to give all his time, all his energies, to work – just plain, hard work.
Charles Schwab

Nothing is more fatal to success than taking one’s job as a matter of course.
Charles Schwab

If more persons would get so enthused over their day’s work that some one would have to remind them to go out to lunch there would be more happiness in the world and less indigestion.
Charles Schwab

A trained ear can do tremendous business in the obstruction line. Sometimes it listens so intently for the toot of the quitting whistle that it quite loses the sense of spoken orders.
Charles Schwab

I have yet to hear an instance where misfortune hit a man because he worked overtime. I know lots of instances where it hit men who did not.
Charles Schwab

Misfortune has many cloaks.
Charles Schwab

The man who fails to give fair service during the hours for which he is paid is dishonest. The man who is not willing to give more than this is foolish.
Charles Schwab

The fellow who does the most is going to get the most pay, provided he shows equal intelligence.
Charles Schwab

The captains of industry are not hunting money. America is heavy with it. They are seeking brains – specialized brains – and faithful, loyal service. Brains are needed to carry out the plans of those who furnish the capital.
Charles Schwab

The man who attracts attention is the man who is thinking all the time, and expressing himself in little ways. It is not the man who tries to dazzle his employer by doing the theatrical, the spectacular.
Charles Schwab

No matter what time I came around I would find the former water boy hard at work. I never learned when he slept. Now, there seemed to be nothing remarkable about this fellow except his industry. The only way in which he attracted attention was by working longer hours and getting better results than anyone else. … Today that ex-water boy, Alva C Dinkley, is head of a great steel company, and very wealthy.
Charles Schwab

[On Alva C Dinkley] His rise was predicated on his willingness to work as long as there was any work to be done.
Charles Schwab

Don’t be afraid of imperilling your health by giving a few extra hours to the company that pays your salary!
Charles Schwab

Bare hands grip success better than kid gloves.
Charles Schwab

The man who counts his hours and kicks about his salary is a self-elected failure.
Charles Schwab

It may be in seemingly unimportant things that a man expresses his passion for perfection, yet they will count heavily in the long run.
Charles Schwab

When you go into your customary barber shop, you will wait for the man who gives you a little better shave, a little trimmer hair-cut. Business leaders are looking for the same things in their offices that you look for in the barber shop.
Charles Schwab

Many business fail in this (business) because they are thinking only of personal glory.
Charles Schwab

I disagreed with [Andrew] Carnegie’s ideas on how best to distribute his wealth. I spent mine!
Charles Schwab

Spending creates more wealth for everybody.
Charles Schwab

I didn’t take up shorthand with any idea of becoming a professional at it. It merely appeared to me to be a good think to know – something that might come in handy…
Charles Schwab

When I first went to work… I had over me an impetuous, hustling man. … My whole object in life then was to show him my worth and to prove it.
Charles Schwab

In my own house I rigged up a laboratory and studied chemistry in the evenings, determined that there should be nothing in the manufacture of steel that I would not know. Although I had received no technical education I made myself master of chemistry and of the laboratory, which proved of lasting value.
Charles Schwab

What we must seek is a plan by which the men will receive high wages when the employers are receiving high prices for the product…
Charles Schwab

You can tell a workingman you like him, but he knows whether you are sincere or not. You can’t make him believe you are interested in his welfare unless you are.
Charles Schwab

The captains of industry are not hunting money. America is ‘heavy’ with money. They seek ‘brains’ – and faithful, loyal service. I have found that when ‘stars’ drop out, successors are merely men who have learned by application and self-discipline to get full production from an average normal brain.
Charles Schwab

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