Deepak Chopra Quotes

425 Deepak Chopra Quotes

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Everyone inhabits a reality of non-change lying beyond all change. The experience of this reality brings change under our control.
Deepak Chopra

We are not victims of aging, sickness, and death. These are part of the scenery, not the seer, who is immune to any form of change.
Deepak Chopra

In fact I wasn’t seeing old people at all; I was seeing sick people.
Deepak Chopra

The quality of one’s life depends on the quality of attention. Whatever you pay attention to will grow more important in your life.
Deepak Chopra

Aging is much more of a choice than people ever dream. One of modern medicine’s great breakthroughs is a realisation that the body is not an object, but a process with no preordained limits.
Deepak Chopra

Intelligence is meant to flow.
Deepak Chopra

I am spirit.
Deepak Chopra

This moment is as it should be.
Deepak Chopra

Uncertainty is part of the overall order of things.
Deepak Chopra

Change is infused with non-change.
Deepak Chopra

Entropy holds no threat because it is under the control of infinite organising power.
Deepak Chopra

Pain in the present is experienced as hurt. Pain in the past is remembered as anger. Pain in the future is perceived as anxiety. Unexpressed anger, redirected against yourself and held within, is called guilt. The depletion of energy that occurs when anger is redirected inward creates depression.
Deepak Chopra

Resolve your emotion and move one.
Deepak Chopra

Forgiveness of others comes only when you can release your own hurt.
Deepak Chopra

No one can really hurt you unless you give them the power to do so.
Deepak Chopra

Outside events have no power to hurt you.
Deepak Chopra

There are infinite ways to discover your true being, but love holds the brightest torch.
Deepak Chopra

Come out of the circle of time and find yourself in the circle of love.
Deepak Chopra

I a complete loved. I am completely lovable.
Deepak Chopra

All of us need to believe that we are loved and lovable.
Deepak Chopra

You were created to be completely loved and completely lovable for your whole life.
Deepak Chopra

Mind, body and spirit would unite – this union creates the love you have to give.
Deepak Chopra

You and your beloved would unite – this creates the love you have to share.
Deepak Chopra

You know that you have fully experienced love when you turn into love – that is the spiritual goal of life.
Deepak Chopra

Love can heal. Love can renew. Love can make us safe. Love can inspire us with its power.
Deepak Chopra

A man and a women can reflect divine love in their love for each other.
Deepak Chopra

Human love survives death.
Deepak Chopra

The direct experience of spirit is the only lasting foundation for love.
Deepak Chopra

When you perceive yourself as spirit, you will not simply feel love – you will be love.
Deepak Chopra

Life is love and love is life.
Deepak Chopra

We all draw upon the higher self for identity, life, awareness, will and love.
Deepak Chopra

The person you love reflects your share of universal love. If you learn to look deep enough, you will see that your reality is only love.
Deepak Chopra

As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm. As is the atom, so is the universe. As is the human body, so is the cosmic body. As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind.
Deepak Chopra

What remains now is the deepest healing of all, the healing of love.
Deepak Chopra

Love is meant to heal.
Deepak Chopra

Love is meant to renew.
Deepak Chopra

Love is meant to make us safe.
Deepak Chopra

Love is meant to inspire us with its power.
Deepak Chopra

Love is meant to inspire us with its power.
Deepak Chopra

Love is meant to make us certain, without doubt.
Deepak Chopra

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