Deepak Chopra Quotes

425 Deepak Chopra Quotes

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In reality there is nothing to fear in the present. Fear is projected onto the present by memory.
Deepak Chopra

All of us were imprinted one of two ways: either the world is dangerous with moments of safety, or the world is safe with moments of danger.
Deepak Chopra

I love you as long as you stay the way you are now.
Deepak Chopra

I love you if you love me.
Deepak Chopra

I love you if you don’t scare me too much.
Deepak Chopra

I love you as long as you do what I want.
Deepak Chopra

The courtship phase succeeds to the extent that a man and women can dismantle their defences; it fails to the extent that they build new defences together.
Deepak Chopra

I love you the way my father loved my mother before they got divorced.
Deepak Chopra

I love you as long as you don’t get too close.
Deepak Chopra

I love you more than Romeo loved Juliet, but please don’t ask me to die.
Deepak Chopra

I love you the way the high school football captain didn’t love me.
Deepak Chopra

Projection always hides a feeling you don’t want to look at.
Deepak Chopra

Desire is a driving force behind love, but it isn’t the same as love, and where the two diverge, many conflicts arise.
Deepak Chopra

Fulfilment is natural and not to be ashamed of.
Deepak Chopra

Ecstasy is a state of the soul transmitted through the body.
Deepak Chopra

Union consists of two people opening to the same being.
Deepak Chopra

Sex allows you to blend the needs of the self with the freedom of the self.
Deepak Chopra

Passion must contain surrender in order to be authentic.
Deepak Chopra

When sex is deprived of its spiritual connection, some aspect of desire is being suppressed.
Deepak Chopra

Chastity in the sense of purity is a spiritual good, but it should not be mistaken for suppression of desire.
Deepak Chopra

To improve your sexual experience, first get rid of your expectations.
Deepak Chopra

Sex is mechanical when it is without spiritual meaning.
Deepak Chopra

Orgasm is a psychological package, not a physical reflex.
Deepak Chopra

When blocks are removed, sexual energy has no choice but to flow.
Deepak Chopra

You are on a unique path created between you and your beloved.
Deepak Chopra

You find your path not by thinking, feeling or doing but by surrendering.
Deepak Chopra

Surrender reveals the impulses of spirit beneath the mask of ego.
Deepak Chopra

Making your relationship as extraordinary as falling in love is the great challenge.
Deepak Chopra

Romance is a temporary state of sacred. Relationship makes it permanent.
Deepak Chopra

Surrender in relationship is valuable only as surrender to spirit.
Deepak Chopra

Dharma is a vision of spiritual equality. When you perceive life through this vision, separation ends.
Deepak Chopra

The only true need anyone has is to be seen as real.
Deepak Chopra

It takes no effort to love.
Deepak Chopra

The state of being has its own innate joy.
Deepak Chopra

Questions answer themselves if you are aware enough.
Deepak Chopra

Life is safe.
Deepak Chopra

Flowing with the current of being is the simplest way to live.
Deepak Chopra

Resistance never really succeeds.
Deepak Chopra

Controlling the flow of life is impossible.
Deepak Chopra

Struggle appears to be against others or against yourself, but in reality it is always against dharma. In dharma there is no struggle.
Deepak Chopra

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