Henry Ford Quotes

320 Henry Ford Quotes

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Accounting is a malicious extension of the banking conspiracy.
Henry Ford

It’s the workshop that has to finance an industrial enterprise, and not the bank. For me, a bank is above all a secure and convenient place to keep money in reserve, and I think it’s better if the bank serves my interests, rather than my serving theirs.
Henry Ford

Asking who should be the boss is like asking who should play saxophone in a quartet – obviously the one who knows how to play.
Henry Ford

It’s not the employer who pays the salaries, it’s the client.
Henry Ford

A company that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business.
Henry Ford

[On the Model T Ford] Any color, as long as it’s black.
Henry Ford

When I was not busy cutting wood, I worked on combustion engines, studying their character and the way they worked. I read everything I could find on the subject, but it’s from my own practice that I got the best education.
Henry Ford

Let me remind you that I have a row of electric buttons in my office. All I have to do is press one of them to call the person who can answer any question on any subject I wish to know, relative to the business at hand. I take care of the business, they take care of the questions. Now would you be so good as to explain why, just to answer you questions, I should have a brain stuffed with general culture, when I am surrounded by employees who can supply any information I might want to know?
Henry Ford

The secret of success – if there is one – is the ability to put yourself in another person’s shoes, and to consider things from his or her point of view as well as your own.
Henry Ford

When I cannot direct events any longer, I let them direct themselves.
Henry Ford

Life is work, and everything you retain adds to your experience.
Henry Ford

Life is work, and everything you undertake adds to your experience.
Henry Ford

Everything is possible. Faith is the substance of our hopes, the guarantor of what we’ve never seen.
Henry Ford

It was not at all my intention to go into production on a mediocre scale. I was thinking big production; but I needed something better than our first car. You don’t do anything well if it’s done in haste.
Henry Ford

Hiring someone for a job because he needs it and not because the job needs him is like saying that he is useless. On the other hand, helping a man because it is in our interests to help him is treating him as an equal.
Henry Ford

An idealist is a person who helps others prosper.
Henry Ford

I refuse to recognize the existence of impossibilities. I don’t know anyone who knows enough about any subject to be able to say that something is or is not impossible. If someone who takes himself for an expert and declares that such and such a thing is impossible, right away there’s a horde of nincompoops who sing the chorus: ‘It’s impossible…’
Henry Ford

The man who puts all his energy and imagination into finding ways to offer more for the dollar instead of less is condemned to succeed.
Henry Ford

Work that you find interesting is never hard, and will certainly lead to success.
Henry Ford

Money is like an arm or a leg – use it or lose it.
Henry Ford

I would think of another fundamental need people have, and I would answer that need by offering a cheaper and more efficient service than anybody else could. In five years, I’d be a millionaire over again.
Henry Ford

Take everything, but leave me my organization, and in two years I’ll be at the top again.
Henry Ford

[In 1931] These really are good times, but only a few know it. If this period of convalescence through which we have been passing must be spoken of as a depression, it is far and away the finest depression that we have ever had.
Henry Ford

Early on, I had the impression that a lot of work was being done for little result, and I thought that a lot of the work could be better organized.
Henry Ford

I made the firm resolution never to join a business where money took precedence over quality of the work, neither from the banking or a financing point of view. I also resolved, if I was not able to find support for an undertaking liable to be run with the public interest at heart, to renounce the undertaking entirely. Because my own attempts, supported by observation of what was going on around me, convinced me that businesses run on the sole principle of making money were not very interesting, and were not worthy of a serious man who wanted to accomplish something. As for the rest, I’m still waiting to be shown that this is not the right way to make money. Because in my opinion, the only basis for a serious enterprise is the high quality of its products.
Henry Ford

Being tempted to rest and enjoy the fruits of your labour is only natural. I understand perfectly well that a person would like to exchange a life of labour for a life of rest. I’ve had the desire myself. But I believe that when a person wants to rest, he should retire completely from the business world. And that’s not in my future plans. I consider my success as incitement to do better.
Henry Ford

My idea was then and still is that if a man did his work well, the price he could get for that work, the profits, and all financial matters would care for themselves.
Henry Ford

I handed in my resignation, resolved never to accept another subservient position. It’s certainly easier only to work during office hours, to do your job during the day and leave it behind at night and not think about it until the next day, and you can get along very well like this if you have the type of character that is content to be ordered around, to be a faithful employee perhaps, but never a director or a boss.
Henry Ford

One hundred cars a day, that’s the minimum, and I soon hope to multiply this figure by ten. If I had followed the advice of my associates, I would have been content to maintain my business at it’s present level, and to use the money to build a nice administration building, and from time to time produce a new model to stimulate the public’s interest. In other words, to become a peaceful and serious businessman. But I thought farther, much farther, and much bigger than that.
Henry Ford

Once of the greatest obstacles to a man’s advancement is discontent.
Henry Ford

Because a thing is useful is no reason why it should be ugly.
Henry Ford

Business grows big through the service it renders, not through any ‘control’ that it exercises over materials, money or people.
Henry Ford

The conflict between the generations is as old as the natural consequence of human progress. Those who are coming on behind us are not our children in the sense that we have created them and defined their limitations; they are rather a new race, different from us in their equipment and outlook – quite likely to be much better than we are.
Henry Ford

When business becomes so big that its bigness is a tax upon the community, instead of a service to the community, the decreasing patronage of the people becomes an effective check.
Henry Ford

Competition whose motive is merely to compete, to drive some other fellow out, never carries very far. The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all but goes on making his own business better all the time. Businesses that grow by development and improvement do not die.
Henry Ford

Profits made out of the distress of the people are always much smaller than profits made out of the most lavish service of the people at the lowest prices that competent management can make possible.
Henry Ford

The wisdom of life is to keep on planting. Some… never plant after youthful imagination dies, and they reap only the one crop which they planted in youth. Plant every season and life will be a succession of harvests.
Henry Ford

Life is a going concern. It is going somewhere. It never stagnates.
Henry Ford

What I greatly hope for… children everywhere, is a new attitude toward life – free from the gullibility which things we can get something for nothing; free from the greed which thinks any permanent good can come of overreaching others; and, above all, expectant of change, so that when life gives them a jolt they will be fully prepared to push on eagerly along new lines.
Henry Ford

The best way is always the simplest.
Henry Ford

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