Henry Ford Quotes

320 Henry Ford Quotes

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Anybody can do anything that he imagines.
Henry Ford

Money doesn’t change men, it merely unmasks them. If a man is naturally selfish or arrogant or greedy, the money brings that out, that’s all.
Henry Ford

The economic and technological triumphs of the past few years have not solved as many problems as we thought they would, and in fact, have brought us new problems we did not foresee.
Henry Ford

The human mind is a channel through which things-to-be are coming into the realm of things-that-are.
Henry Ford

[On the rise of the Chevrolet division of General Motors] It’s like trying to screw an elephant.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] Every client is a king, but a king is only one client among many.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] No complaints, no explanations.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] The Edsel is here to stay.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] I believe that the social responsibility of today’s corporations is fundamentally the same as it always has been: to earn profits for shareholders by serving consumer needs with maximum efficiency. This is not the whole of the matter, but it is the heard of the matter.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] Nobody can really guarantee the future. The best we can do is size up the chances, calculate the risks involved, estimate our ability to deal with them and make our plans with confidence.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] We can’t take a slipshod and easygoing attitude toward education in this country. And by ‘we’ I don’t mean ‘somebody else,’ but I mean me and I mean you. It is the future of our country-yours and mine-which is at stake.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] Progress comes from discontent, not from complacency. It would be a stagnant world if all young people knew as well as their elders do what can’t be changed and shouldn’t be changed.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] Progress comes from discontent, not from complacency.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] It would be a stagnant world if all young people knew as well as their elders do what can’t be changed and shouldn’t be changed.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] ‘Management productivity’ is a more appropriate term than ‘labor productivity.’
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] I am always puzzled to find union leaders speaking of ‘increased worker productivity,’ as though workers must sweat harder in order to produce more.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] Improved productivity means less human sweat, not more.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] It is in the self-interest of business to help reduce dependency, frustration, crime, and conflict in the community.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] The costs of occasional civil disorder are impossible to overlook, but they are far smaller than the continuing costs of welfare, crime, preventable disease and ignorance. These costs are borne by business as well as by the rest of the community.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] The hidden revolution – that growing understanding that the profit motive is not an anti-social force acting against the community interest, but a very practical reason why business should help solve the social as well as the economic problems that best our nation.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] The idea that conscience and profit may actually be pulling in the same direction is difficult for some people to accept.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] Business cannot solve the race problem, but each business can make sure that it does not discriminate.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] Business cannot eliminate unemployment, but each business can do its competitive best to expand its own sales and employment.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] Business cannot stop inflation, but every business can strive for greater efficiency and lower costs.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] Technological progress… is the key to the opportunity to earn a better life.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] Unemployment is too high, not only because we do not have enough jobs, but also because many of the unemployed are poorly qualified by skill and education to fill the jobs that are available.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] It is difficult to do good without being condescending and paternalistic on the one hand, and without perpetuating dependence and resentment on the other…
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] To hire a man because he needs a job rather than because the job needs him… is to assure him that he is useless.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] To hire him because you need his labor, is to treat him as an equal.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] The employer has confidence in the ability of the man he hires to earn his pay and stand on his own feet.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] If we can solve the problem of human relations in industrial production, I believe we can make as much progress toward lower costs during the next ten years as we made during the past quarter-century through the development of the machinery of mass-production.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] The slow and patient work of refining and improving on existing technology will always be important. But what we need even more than the refinement of old ideas is the ability to develop new ideas and put them to work.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] You don’t have to have a steering wheel to drive a car… You can do it with buttons, just one finger, maybe by mechanical control – lots of possibilities.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] [On being asked where someone would put their hands if a car had no steering wheel] Well, that’s the point. These are habits people have.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] We’re still living in a fool’s paradise in this country. We have always thought that we could have an endless supply of cheap energy and we can’t.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] We’ve got a major energy problem, but the American people don’t believe it. We waste too much. We waste everything in this country.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] America has many problems. But the time has come to curb our habit of turning problems into crises that require crash solutions.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] [On government regulation] The regulators are in fact bringing us to the point where only the largest companies can survive.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] I don’t know anybody or any group of people smart enough to mastermind and manipulate artificially our economy without doing much more harm than good.
Henry Ford

[Henry Ford II] What’s right about America is that although we have a mess of problems, we have great capacity – intellect and resources – to do something about them.
Henry Ford

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