J P Morgan Quotes

100 J P Morgan Quotes

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I don’t know whether we can get hold of enough gold, either here or abroad. But we are willing to try. In our opinion, no popular loan is possible. Here is a memorandum of our terms. You can take it to Washington and let us know what the President and Mr. Carlisle think of it.
J P Morgan

[Bob] Bacon, there is a law on the books, unless it has been appealed, which gives the Secretary of the Treasury power to purchase gold whenever the Government needs it, at the best price he can make, and to pay for it in any authorized obligations of the United States.
J P Morgan

There is no fighting about it. If they choose to fight their own property – but people don’t generally do that.
J P Morgan

I came to the conclusion that there were but three lines available… I said, take St. Paul, because the financial responsibility was less.
J P Morgan

[On being asked by Harriman ‘Whom do you represent?’ when in 1894 he announced his plan for reorganising the Erie Railroad] Myself.
J P Morgan

I am through with the Union Pacific. I won’t even take a financial participation.
J P Morgan

I am not responsible, but I will find out who is.
J P Morgan

[In September 1898 on telling Elbert H Gary that he has just been selected president of Federal Steel] When can you take up your duties in New York? [‘But, Mr Morgan, I have a law practice in Chicago that brings me in $75,000 a year. I don’t want to leave it.’] Oh, that’s all right. I’ll take care of that. You can name your own salary, choose your own executive committee, select the directors if you want to.
J P Morgan

Judge [Elbert H] Gary is too good a man to oppose.
J P Morgan

[To Elbert H Gary] Now, there’s one thing I want understood: if I go into this you are to go with me, not only as my lawyer but as my friend – that is, you are to stand by me.
J P Morgan

[On being told by one trust company president during the panic of 1907 ‘I am afraid we can’t help with any more money, our reserves are so low.’] What! Do you realize what you are saying? Tomorrow you may have no reserves at all.
J P Morgan

I hire a lawyer to tell me how I can do what I want to do!
J P Morgan

My first guess is sometimes right. My second never is.
J P Morgan

[On being asked in 1912 ‘Why you bought stock that could yield you only one-eight or one-ninth of one percent?’] Because I thought it was a desirable thing for the situation to do that.
J P Morgan

I have known a man come into my office and I have given him a check for a million dollars and I knew that that he had not a cent in the world.
J P Morgan

The first thing is character… Money cannot buy it.
J P Morgan

I hated to go to Washington, but I am glad I went. Perhaps people know me better now.
J P Morgan

When a man abuses his power, he loses it.
J P Morgan

The ability to obtain credit is largely a matter of personality.
J P Morgan

If it is good business for the interests of the country to do it, I do it.
J P Morgan

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