Janine Allis Quotes

101 Janine Allis Quotes (Boost Juice Quotes, Shark Tank Australia)

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[In 2012 Boost Juice has 250 stores in 14 countries] I wanted to have something that could grow to 100 stores or 1,000 stores…
Janine Allis

I never had the intention of opening just one store.
Janine Allis

We don’t take ‘no’ for an answer and we don’t use the word ‘try’ – we just do it.
Janine Allis

The women in Boost are not a bunch of ball-breakers.
Janine Allis

Instead of seeking permission to do things, I simply went ahead and did them.
Janine Allis

If I can do it, so can you.
Janine Allis

Confidence is contagious.
Janine Allis

There’s no point standing there pontificating – you have to roll up your sleeves and just do it.
Janine Allis

Let’s be honest, if I didn’t have my own business, then I would never have been chief executive of an enterprise of this size… I would not even get an interview!
Janine Allis

Running a business is not as complicated as I thought. If you simplify everything, if you are sensible when making decisions, and if you look for the solution that exists for every problem, you’ll go far.
Janine Allis

We try everything.
Janine Allis

Nobody ever learnt anything while they were talking. Listening may well be the most underrated quality of all.
Janine Allis

To start Boost Juice we raised about $200,000 from a circle of friends.
Janine Allis

Making juice is not a very complex business; where companies are different is in how they package and brand their product.
Janine Allis

Self-discipline is the most common trait of great and successful leaders.
Janine Allis

You have to get it right first inside the company before you go out selling it to the rest of the world.
Janine Allis

The news is always changing in a fast-growing company, so you have to make sure that your principles stay the same.
Janine Allis

I like to think of myself as a bargain hunter. I like to get clothes in junk shops.
Janine Allis

I am learning more from what goes wrong than from what goes right.
Janine Allis

The best way to find if something works is to open the doors of a well-located shop and see what happens. That’s why I am prepared to make these efforts.
Janine Allis

I could hardly breathe for the whole period… We leapfrogged our rivals with a big extension in the chain… even if it was bloody tough at the time.
Janine Allis

Deal-making is like a drug: once you taste it, you want more.
Janine Allis

Life’s just like a road trip.
Janine Allis

Make a conscious effort to ask more questions than you usually do, and to say 50% less for a day. Evaluate what you learn from that exercise.
Janine Allis

Be focused and hire focused people.
Janine Allis

Importantly you must avoid the need to be liked. If you have a great personal life and feel secure within yourself, why should you desire affection from everyone? This need makes you vulnerable and weakens your decision-making ability, and has no place in building a successful business empire. Instead you should aim to gain your employees’ respect.
Janine Allis

That timid worker whom you’ve always perceived as slightly introverted may roar like the king of the jungle when put to the test. In the same way, someone who comes across as self-assured and competent may buckle under pressure.
Janine Allis

It’s accepted business practice that the majority of all sales deals are made because the customer trusts and likes the person with whom they’re dealing.
Janine Allis

Keep things simple.
Janine Allis

Competitors? What competitors? - If you focus on what your competition is doing, you lose focus on what you’re doing. The key for any business is to concentrate on it’s own customers and it’s own marketing. If you do what you do well, you’ll be okay.
Janine Allis

Never overlook the importance of taking time to do nothing but think.
Janine Allis

Cash flow is king. You really need to know your financial model and make sure it’s profitable. If you can and if you are with a husband/life partner, try to keep one of you working and getting an income. Businesses take a long time to get established and are very, very cash hungry, and yet life still needs to go on. It’s very hard on a young business to sustain two large salaries.
Janine Allis

I’d seen stores similar to Boost when I visited the USA in 1998 (there is actually a well-defined juice and smoothie bar market over there) and I thought that the concept would work well here in Australia.
Janine Allis

I knew from my own experience how difficult it could be to find a healthy, tasty snack – especially when I was in a rush or had my sons with me, and I realised that it must be the same for a lot of other people.
Janine Allis

It’s often like that – you’re not really aware of everything that’s going on inside you until something happens where you have time to reassess your life.
Janine Allis

I didn’t believe that a part-time job would be stimulating enough for me in the long term, so I decided it was time to start my own business.
Janine Allis

Boost isn’t just about a store or a smoothie; it’s about living a lifestyle, loving life, and having fun.
Janine Allis

We often use guerrilla marketing techniques, like internet and email campaigns, or dressing up people as Boost smoothies and having them walk around the streets talking to people…
Janine Allis

A lot of it is about being cost-effective. When you’re starting a new business, there’s no use throwing money around on advertising if you don’t need to…
Janine Allis

You have to work very, very hard to establish a successful business and anyone who goes into business thinking that they won’t have to is fooling themselves.
Janine Allis

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