Jason Fox Quotes

101 Jason Fox Quotes

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Don’t confuse a simple execution with a simple message. The former is optional; the latter, mandatory.
Jason Fox

If your campaign’s sole means of measuring success is a coupon code, it’s already failed.
Jason Fox

If you undermine the creative – either the work or the team – with the client, I’ll undermine you with HR.
Jason Fox

Learning to phrase ‘doing that would be stupid and wrong’ in a way that makes the client smile is a skill worth mastering.
Jason Fox

Don you remember the last bullet point you read? Me neither. Impact requires craft.
Jason Fox

‘But some people won’t get this’ is one of the first signs your ad might actually work.
Jason Fox

The only action you can bore someone into is ignoring you.
Jason Fox

Advertising is 95% less subjective than most account people would have you believe. But that’s just my opinion.
Jason Fox

‘We can do a million ads like this’ should never be uttered by someone who’s yet to write a single one.
Jason Fox

Being ‘direct’ is not the same as being persuasive.
Jason Fox

Shouting will garner you a lot of attention, but few friends.
Jason Fox

Dearest account sup: It’s not the client’s suggestion is ‘too hard’ for us to do. It’s simply ‘too wrong.’
Jason Fox

Copy & design create an ad’s internal rhythm. Even if they can’t describe it, consumers know when the beat is off.
Jason Fox

It’s okay to have a singular style as long as it fits the voice of the one client you’re allowed.
Jason Fox

Let others wonder how you do what you do. Just be thankful you can.
Jason Fox

Make your brand the strong call to action.
Jason Fox

If you can’t say why it’s wrong, don’t say that it’s wrong.
Jason Fox

A brand doesn’t need a unique position in the market as much as a unique position in consumers’ minds.
Jason Fox

The Next Big Thing is rarely discovered by people looking for The Next Big Thing.
Jason Fox

Always assume no one wants to hear what your ad has to say, then give them a reason to.
Jason Fox

There’s a place where copywriters never use the phrase ‘there’s a place.’ It’s called ‘in my presence.’
Jason Fox

This copy is not… dramatic.
Jason Fox

I prefer psychographics to demographics. Party because they’re useful. Partly because they sound dangerous.
Jason Fox

While anyone can be creative, real creatives can be nothing but. Lucky us.
Jason Fox

The dumbest consumer can easily outwit the smartest brand manager, or creative director. Sigh.
Jason Fox

Dearest client, in the end, cheap work costs you plenty. Love,
Jason Fox

If meetings solved problems, the world would’ve achieved utopia on August 14, 1973.
Jason Fox

Stop putting the work number one and you’ll soon be deep in number two.
Jason Fox

Never start a conversation with a yawn.
Jason Fox

It’s not caution we’re throwing to the wind, it’s fear.
Jason Fox

Make it smart. Make it beautiful. Have fun.
Jason Fox

An ad should be an appetizer, not a buffet.
Jason Fox

Sometimes you have to play the villain with the client before you can make them look like a hero with the public.
Jason Fox

If it’s been done, do it better. If it hasn’t been done, do it so well that better is not an option.
Jason Fox

We will never discover tomorrow’s greatness by desperately clinging to what is barely tolerable today.
Jason Fox

It is nearly impossible, as a person or a brand, to truly stand for something and not, in due course, stand out.
Jason Fox

Sooner is better than later, but it’s never better than better.
Jason Fox

Safety last.
Jason Fox

Wise men have beards. Wise beards have apps.
Jason Fox

Work that is too clever isn’t.
Jason Fox

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