Jason Fox Quotes

101 Jason Fox Quotes (Leeclowsbeard Quotes)

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As in life, advertising isn’t about having something worth saying, it’s about having something worth hearing.
Jason Fox

Never trust an agency that can’t figure out it’s own brand.
Jason Fox

Simplicity is usually the result of much complex thinking.
Jason Fox

Consensus too often equals a bunch of usually smart people agreeing to do something dumb so they can go have lunch.
Jason Fox

Great clients prefer education to justification.
Jason Fox

The love of money is the root of much bad advertising.
Jason Fox

If a client doesn’t deserve your best thinking, why are they your client?
Jason Fox

Successful collaboration does not require a single committee.
Jason Fox

Like the world in general, advertising needs fewer gurus and more visionaries.
Jason Fox

We sell stuff, get over it.
Jason Fox

It is no irony that the thickest skins often belong to the sharpest minds.
Jason Fox

Baby steps are for babies, not brands. Be amazing, or be surpassed.
Jason Fox

Consumers never complain about ads being too smart.
Jason Fox

My ad should say one thing well. Now here are fifty-three bullet points why.
Jason Fox

Your ad begins as an interruption. Make paying attention to it feel like a reward.
Jason Fox

Art direction is part of a brand’s voice. So consider not using Trajan Pro this time.
Jason Fox

A technique or look is no substitute for substance.
Jason Fox

TV spots are short. If you can’t hold folks’ attention for 20 secs before revealing the brand, find another line of work.
Jason Fox

Never underestimate the intelligence of your audience. The subtleties of value-priced hemorrhoid cream are lost on few.
Jason Fox

It’s called a creative brief, not a copy-and-paste brief.
Jason Fox

It’s the little comprises that add up to a giant bucket of suck.
Jason Fox

I’ll trash your ads, you take care of your magazines and newspapers.
Jason Fox

Too many people think the things that are easy about advertising are hard, and vice versa.
Jason Fox

One list of bullet points does not equal a ‘single, most-persuasive message.’
Jason Fox

If no one reads body copy, why are we on round 13 of client revisions?
Jason Fox

Budgets don’t constrict ideas, they hone.
Jason Fox

From mass to social, media is consumed by individuals. Speak accordingly.
Jason Fox

An ad discussing negative things does not a negative ad make, e.g., every problem-solution ad ever run.
Jason Fox

Beat up the brief before it gets approved, or it will beat you up when you’re trying to get work approved.
Jason Fox

It’s not that consumers have short attention spans. It’s that we give them so little of interest to look at.
Jason Fox

Thank a media person today. After all, no one remembers an ad they never see.
Jason Fox

Every client wants something new. And three examples of where it’s worked before.
Jason Fox

Media runs from free to expensive. But your idea should always be rich. This is less obvious than you may think.
Jason Fox

Dearest copywriter, please thoroughly learn your native tongue before you butcher it for advertising.
Jason Fox

Dear client, Glad you believe advertising can do a lot for your brand. Just remember ‘a lot’ is a far cry from everything.
Jason Fox

Advertising is always transitory and often disposable. We can only prevent people from becoming the latter.
Jason Fox

If ROI only means bumping tomorrow’s numbers, the spammers have already won.
Jason Fox

Try asking your doctor to do a little angioplasty on spec.
Jason Fox

Dear Assit. AE, Please stop sending PDFs to the client with the closing, ‘Let me know if there are any more changes.’
Jason Fox

‘What do you think?’ is not code for ‘What’s wrong with this?’
Jason Fox

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