Jesse Livermore Quotes

226 Jesse Livermore Quotes

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Timid people don’t like to buy a stock at a new high record.
Jesse Livermore

Bearish on the entire market and bullish on that one stock!
Jesse Livermore

I had lost every cent of the three hundred thousand dollars I had made out of the San Francisco earthquake break. I had been right, and nethertheless had gone broke.
Jesse Livermore

The way to make money is to make it. The way to make big money is to be right at exactly the right time.
Jesse Livermore

A speculator must not be merely a student. He must be both a student and a speculator.
Jesse Livermore

The big men of the street are as prone to be wishful thinkers as the politicians or the plain suckers.
Jesse Livermore

As money got tighter call-money rates went higher and prices of stocks lower.
Jesse Livermore

Tape reading was an important part of the game; so was beginning at the right time; so was sticking to your position. But my greatest discovery was that a man must study general conditions, to size them so as to be able to anticipate probabilities.
Jesse Livermore

I had learned I had to work for my money.
Jesse Livermore

Nobody was immune from the danger of making sucker plays.
Jesse Livermore

For a sucker play a man gets sucker pay.
Jesse Livermore

They thought I was a crazy bear with a stock-market loser’s vindictive grouch.
Jesse Livermore

There came the awful day of reckoning for the bulls and the optimists and the wishful thinkers and those vast hordes that, dreading the pain of a small loss at the beginning, were now about to suffer total amputation – without anaesthetics. A day I shall never forget, October 24 1907.
Jesse Livermore

That was the day I remember most vividly of all the days of my life as a stock operator. It was the day when my winnings exceeded one million dollars.
Jesse Livermore

I knew that some day I would find out what was wrong and I would stop being wrong. I would then have not alone the will to be right, but the knowledge to insure my being right. And that would mean power.
Jesse Livermore

I certainly pushed my luck to the limit. What is the use of being right unless you get all the good possible out of it?
Jesse Livermore

I made up my mind that since it was unwise and unpleasant to continue actively bearish it was illogical for me to stay short. So I turned and began to buy.
Jesse Livermore

My biggest winnings were not in dollars but in the intangibles: I had been right, I had looked ahead and followed a clear cut plan.
Jesse Livermore

If a man is both wise and lucky, he will not make the same mistake twice. But he will make any one of the ten thousand brothers or cousins of the original. The mistake family is so large that there is always one of them around when you want to see what you can do in the fool-play line.
Jesse Livermore

Money does not give a trader more comfort, because rich or poor, he can make mistakes and it is never comfortable to be wrong.
Jesse Livermore

Losing money is the least of my troubles.
Jesse Livermore

A loss never bothers me after I take it.
Jesse Livermore

Being wrong – not taking the loss – that is what does the damage to the pocket book and to the soul.
Jesse Livermore

As a rule a man adapts himself to conditions so quickly that he loses the perspective. He does not feel the difference much – that is, he does not vividly remember how it felt not to be a millionaire.
Jesse Livermore

It does not take a reasonably young and normal man very long to lose the habit of being poor. It requires a little longer to forget that he used to be rich.
Jesse Livermore

After a man makes money in the stock market he very quickly loses the habit of not spending. But after he loses money it takes him a long time to lose the habit of spending.
Jesse Livermore

In the long run commodity prices are governed by one law – the economic law of demand and supply.
Jesse Livermore

The business of the trader in commodities is simply to get facts about the demand and the supply, present and perspective. He does not indulge in guesses about a dozen things as he does in stocks.
Jesse Livermore

The same things happen in all speculative markets.
Jesse Livermore

Prices, as we know will move either up or down according to the resistance they encounter. We say that prices like everything else, move along the line of least resistance. They will do whatever comes easiest therefore they will go up if there is less resistance to an advance than to a decline and vice versa.
Jesse Livermore

The speculator is not an investor.
Jesse Livermore

His [The speculator’s] object is not to secure a steady return on his money at a good rate of interest, but to profit by either a rise or fall in the price of whatever he may be speculating in.
Jesse Livermore

A man has to guard against many things, and most of all against himself - that is, against human nature.
Jesse Livermore

In a narrow market, when prices are not getting anywhere to speak of but move within a narrow range, there is no sense in trying to anticipate what the next big movement is going to be – up or down.
Jesse Livermore

A speculator must concern himself with making money out of the market and not with insisting that the tape must agree with him. Never argue with it or ask it for explanations. Stock market post-mortems don’t pay dividends.
Jesse Livermore

It always pays a man to be right at the right time.
Jesse Livermore

There is nothing new under the sun and least of all in the stock market.
Jesse Livermore

The weaknesses that all men are prone to are fatal to success in speculation.
Jesse Livermore

The speculator’s chief enemies are always boring from within. It is inseparable from human nature to hope and to fear.
Jesse Livermore

Fear keeps you from making as much money as you ought to.
Jesse Livermore

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