Jim Penman Quotes

101 Jim Penman Quotes (Jim’s Mowing, Jim’s Group)

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I never thought that success could come out of gardening.
Jim Penman

You’ve got to work out what to do and do it.
Jim Penman

It’s much easier to find a great idea than a great person to make it work.
Jim Penman

I learnt more from mowing lawns than I ever did doing a PhD in history.
Jim Penman

I got great satisfaction from making messy yards look good…
Jim Penman

Customers don’t come first, franchisees do.
Jim Penman

If your No. 1 aim is to make money, you’re not going to be as successful or make as much money as you could.
Jim Penman

Charge what the market will bear, rather than be cheap and win every job. But amaze your clients with excellent service!
Jim Penman

No matter what somebody does to you, no matter how terrible, you’ve got to forgive them in the end.
Jim Penman

You can’t give up. I can’t imagine giving up.
Jim Penman

Good businesses run on passion…
Jim Penman

It’s dangerous to be complacent.
Jim Penman

You can always improve.
Jim Penman

Sometimes it’s better to spend 10 minutes thinking clearly about what we should be doing rather than 100 hours of slogging our guts out.
Jim Penman

There is always fire in my belly.
Jim Penman

If you are not good at something, hire someone who is.
Jim Penman

I don’t want people who are trained in business; I want people who are trained in life.
Jim Penman

One of the biggest dangers is getting a big head.
Jim Penman

I warm to people who want to achieve something meaningful in life…
Jim Penman

Mowing lawns can be very therapeutic – it gives you a chance to think.
Jim Penman

What’s the point of owning a mower to mow just one lawn?
Jim Penman

I started my first business at the age of eight.
Jim Penman

My parents always wanted us to strive for success.
Jim Penman

Learning to sell became crucial to my success.
Jim Penman

I… worked in the public service for six months doing clerical work and learnt that it is the most unbelievably inefficient organization imaginable. That’s what happens when owners of the organization aren’t involved.
Jim Penman

It’s easier to be an innovator in business than in academia.
Jim Penman

In business, all anyone cares about is whether you’re good at what you do and whether you look after people. In the academic world, they reject you if you’re too radical.
Jim Penman

The mowing business just happened.
Jim Penman

I learnt more from mowing lawns than I ever did doing a PhD in history. It taught me how to work hard and look after clients…
Jim Penman

You never get anywhere with something if you don’t like it.
Jim Penman

When I finished university after 10 years – I was 28 – I thought, ‘What can I do?’ and decided to mow lawns for a while. I just wanted to build – something, anything. I never thought that success could come out of gardening.
Jim Penman

It was all a bit unorthodox in my parents’ eyes. Doing an arts degree wasn’t exactly wasn’t exactly they had in mind, and then leaving it all behind to become a gardener was almost too much for my father. He was quite horrified. Just before he died a few years ago, I said to him: ‘It hasn’t been such a bad career choice after all, has it?’ He said: ‘I guess not.’
Jim Penman

My mother was always very supportive… She believe in me, even when no one else did. She thought that no matter what I did, I would be successful.
Jim Penman

I always believed I would be successful. I can’t imagine not being successful.
Jim Penman

I became lazy, ill-disciplined and ‘up myself’… To make matters worse, I’d fallen seriously in love and pined for my girlfriend when we were apart. Business went downhill and I had to borrow tens of thousands of dollars to stay afloat. I engaged a salesman to sell off my customer base to clear my debts. He took the money and disappeared, just before Christmas in 1982. I was 30 years old and a failure.
Jim Penman

I was 30 years old and a failure… True, I had been cheated, but a less lazy person would not have let it happen. I felt that I had no talent for business and probably not much else either. I got married and my life changed.
Jim Penman

Nothing in lawnmowing is particularly bad. You can get covered with muck and get thirsty and hot and tired, but that’s about it. The only drawback with gardening is that it can be boring if you do too much of it.
Jim Penman

I always did what the client asked me, even when I knew it was wrong, like cutting the grass too short. Your job is to make a person’s garden look the way they want it to look.
Jim Penman

I’m not an expert gardener.
Jim Penman

My quoting was wrong, many of my attitudes were wrong. Still, my instincts were right.
Jim Penman

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