Jim Treliving Quotes

101 Jim Treliving Quotes (Boston Pizza Quotes, Dragons Den Quotes)

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Success is about the big picture.
Jim Treliving

I like simplicity.
Jim Treliving

Dragons’ Den has made me a very unlikely TV star around the age when other people are thinking about retirement.
Jim Treliving

The question I get asked the most is, how did you decide to leave the daily grind of a job and become an entrepreneur? Here’s the answer: Because we ate pizza instead of Chinese that night. It’s true. That very small decision, the kind of decision people make every day, turned out to be a very big decision because it changed the course of my life forever.
Jim Treliving

I believe that simplicity is the key to success.
Jim Treliving

I have to love what I do.
Jim Treliving

I make decisions about work with my heart, about money with my head, and about people with my gut.
Jim Treliving

If a decision about work creates more enthusiasm, it’s often the right one.
Jim Treliving

Many of the ‘worst’ decisions I’ve ever made brought me the best outcomes possible, personally, professionally and financially.
Jim Treliving

The hallmarks of every successful person I know are these: they want what they have, they like what they do, and they love who they are.
Jim Treliving

That tricky place between childhood and adulthood where your decisions can sometimes take you 10 steps forward and a few back. You’re new at making them, which is why no one turns 18 without at least a few scars, inside and out.
Jim Treliving

Life is like playing monopoly. At the end of the game you put it all back in the box. You can’t take it with you.
Jim Treliving

Get your opportunities - take them, take a ride and see what happens.
Jim Treliving

The legacy I’d like to leave back is that persistence works. Hard work works.
Jim Treliving

Who will I be?
Jim Treliving

Do I want a job, or do I want to create jobs?
Jim Treliving

What I remember most about that December night in 1966 was the cold. I was with a friend of mine, a city police officer named Don Spence. I was a 27-year-old RCMP officer newly transferred From Prince George, in northern BC, to Edmonton… ‘Feel like grabbing a pizza, Jim?’ Don asked close to midnight. Why did I decide to say yes to pizza this time? That’s the billion-dollar question.
Jim Treliving

By picking pizza that night, I made one of the biggest decisions in my life, though its impact wouldn’t be felt for a while. I eventually became a regular at Boston Pizza…
Jim Treliving

I had no idea that soon I would learn the pizza business… or that’d eventually open the first Boston Pizza franchise in BC… Nor did I know that a few short years after that I’d partner up with a small-town accountant named George Melville, eventually buying up the entire company for $3.8 million and growing it into the billion-dollar operation that it is today, with 420 franchises in three countries.
Jim Treliving

I was raised to work hard for other people, keep my head down, sock some money away, and eventually retire in a nice, comfortable community with the first gal I brought to the dance. Nothing wrong with that kind of life, except, I would soon discover, it wasn’t me. In fact, it had never been for me. I just didn’t know it at the time.
Jim Treliving

[‘You’re that guy! You’re the pizza guy! From that show! You’re a Dragon, right?’] ‘Yes, I’m a Dragon,’ I’ll say. (Is there a more ridiculous sentence in the English language?) I’m one of five Dragons from the hit CBC show about venture capitalism called Dragons’ Den, one of the highest rated on TV. We’re seven seasons in, but we broke through in the middle of our second season, around the time these kinds of questions started coming at me from total strangers…
Jim Treliving

I’m very passionate about: partnering with talent, growing stable businesses, launching new products and fostering innovation.
Jim Treliving

I… get asked if Kevin O’Leary is as mean in real life as he is on TV (no) or if Arlene Dickinson is really that kind (yes – and she’s prettier in person too).
Jim Treliving

We talk talks, usually hockey in particular. I’m not just a fan, I was a player and a coach, and I sit on the board of the Hockey Canada Foundation.
Jim Treliving

I’m emotional about work, practical about money and instinctual about people.
Jim Treliving

When you make emotional decisions about money or people, there’s a lot of room for error. That’s why I use my head when it comes to money.
Jim Treliving

When you make rational or emotional decisions about people, you can end up hiring the wrong person because you’re biased or playing it safe. That’s how a lot of companies end up with too much family on the payroll.
Jim Treliving

I like to listen to my gut when it comes to hiring and partnering. It never lies to me, whereas my head and heart can.
Jim Treliving

I’ve never made decisions about work rationally or even instinctually; I make them with my heart. I have to love what I do.
Jim Treliving

If a decision about money develops more discipline, it’s often the right one.
Jim Treliving

If a decision about people builds trust, it’s right too…
Jim Treliving

The truth is, greater enthusiasm only grows businesses: it’s the essence of good word of mouth.
Jim Treliving

Being disciplined about money attracts investment because it quells fears in tumultuous times.
Jim Treliving

Loyal partnerships and employees contribute to the longevity of a company.
Jim Treliving

[Only] Money is a short-sighted goal.
Jim Treliving

I’ve never looked at success through the lens of money.
Jim Treliving

I learned from my dad, Ted Treliving, that success is measured by taking in the big picture: you look at the health and happiness of your family and friends and what you’re contributing to your community.
Jim Treliving

Success is about finding yourself and your business in a much better place than where you started out, and everyone, from employee to entrepreneur, measures that in very different ways.
Jim Treliving

Recognizing opportunities and having the ability to act on them.
Jim Treliving

I like to say that the harder I worked, the luckier I got.
Jim Treliving

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