John Maxwell Quotes

160 John Maxwell Quotes

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Change the leader – change the organization.
John Maxwell

Change equals growth.
John Maxwell

When you’re through changing, you’re through.
John Maxwell

Change creates fear of the unknown.
John Maxwell

Change creates fear of failure.
John Maxwell

Change won’t happen when people engage in negative thinking.
John Maxwell

Narrow-mindedness thwarts acceptance of new ideas.
John Maxwell

Tradition resists change.
John Maxwell

Early adopters are those who know a good idea when they see it.
John Maxwell

Middle adopters are the majority.
John Maxwell

Late adopters are the last group to endorse an idea.
John Maxwell

Laggards are always against change.
John Maxwell

The leader must develop a trust with people.
John Maxwell

The leader must make personal changes before asking others to change.
John Maxwell

Good leaders understand the history of the organization.
John Maxwell

Place influencers in leadership positions.
John Maxwell

Good leaders solicit the support of influencers before the change is made public.
John Maxwell

Encourage the influencers to influence others informally.
John Maxwell

Not all change is improvement, but without change there can be no improvement.
John Maxwell

It’s never too late to change.
John Maxwell

We all have problems.
John Maxwell

The size of the person is more important than the size of the problem.
John Maxwell

People need to change their perspectives, not their problems.
John Maxwell

Problems give meaning to life.
John Maxwell

Always take the high road.
John Maxwell

Many outstanding people have overcome problems in their lives.
John Maxwell

My problem is not my problem.
John Maxwell

A problem is something I can do something about.
John Maxwell

A test of a leader is the ability to recognise a problem before it becomes an emergency.
John Maxwell

You can judge leaders by the size of the problems they tackle.
John Maxwell

Our attitudes are our most important assets.
John Maxwell

Life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it.
John Maxwell

Leadership has less to do with position than it does disposition.
John Maxwell

It is improbable that a person with a bad attitude can continuously be a success.
John Maxwell

We cannot continue to function in a manner that we do not truly believe about ourselves.
John Maxwell

A leader’s attitude is caught by his or her followers more quickly than his or her actions.
John Maxwell

We are responsible for our attitudes.
John Maxwell

It’s not what happens to me that matters but what happens in me.
John Maxwell

The leader’s attitude helps determine the attitudes of the followers.
John Maxwell

The one who influences others to lead is a leader without limitations.
John Maxwell

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