195 John Templeton Quotes
1 2 3 4 5 Thanksgiving results in more to be thankful for. John Templeton The family that prays together, stays together. John Templeton It is more blessed to give than to receive. John Templeton We receive freely when we give freely. John Templeton It is better to love than to be loved. John Templeton You cannot be lonely while helping the lonely. John Templeton Agape given grows, agape hoarded dwindles. John Templeton Enthusiasm is contagious. John Templeton You are only as good as your word. John Templeton A loving person lives in a loving world. John Templeton Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone. John Templeton We tend to find what we look for, good or evil. John Templeton You can build your own heaven or hell here on earth. John Templeton We tend to become what we think. John Templeton It is better to praise than to criticize. John Templeton Crime does not pay. John Templeton If you do not know what you want to achieve with your life, you may not achieve much. John Templeton Why were you created? John Templeton Love given is love received. John Templeton To be forgiven, you must first forgive. John Templeton An attitude of gratitude creates blessings. John Templeton Humility can lead to prayer as well as progress and brings you in tune with the infinite. John Templeton Beautiful thoughts build a beautiful soul. John Templeton Progress depends on diligence and perseverance. John Templeton Enthusiasm facilitates achievement. John Templeton By giving you grow. John Templeton You cannot be lonely if you help the lonely. John Templeton Great heroes are humble. John Templeton Love given grows; love hoarded dwindles. John Templeton Find good in everything. John Templeton Enthusiasm is contagious. John Templeton Tithing often brings prosperity and honor. John Templeton Wisdom is more blessed than riches. John Templeton Count your blessings and you will have an attitude of gratitude. John Templeton What talents can you build? John Templeton You will find what you look for: good or evil, problems or solutions. John Templeton Your thinking greatly affects your life. John Templeton Learning is a lifelong activity. John Templeton Noble purpose creates fruitful lives. John Templeton Life is filled with infinite possibilities. John Templeton 1 2 3 4 5
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