John Templeton Quotes

195 John Templeton Quotes

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Change your mind to change your life.
John Templeton

Everyone should keep in reserve an alternate plan for livelihood.
John Templeton

The unknown is not unknowable, and is vastly greater than the known.
John Templeton

Humility opens the door to progress.
John Templeton

Forgiveness benefits both the giver and the receiver.
John Templeton

Your dreams can come true when you activate them.
John Templeton

Those who do good do well.
John Templeton

Focus on where you want to go instead of where you have been.
John Templeton

The more love we give, the more love we have left.
John Templeton

Our economic prosperity is no longer primarily a function of limited natural resources but is becoming progressively more heavily dependent on the self-perpetuating, limitless body of knowledge.
John Templeton

The more we are able to take advantage of the information explosion around us, the more we are able to liberate our minds from routine tasks and cultivate high degrees of analytical thinking, the greater the prosperity with which we will be rewarded.
John Templeton

Thanksgiving and gratitude will revolutionize your life.
John Templeton

A girl said to me once, “I can’t think of anything to be grateful for.” So I said, “Just stop breathing for three minutes and you’ll be very thankful you can breathe again.”
John Templeton

The greatest charity is to help a person change from being a receiver to being a giver.
John Templeton

Loneliness is the punishment for those who want to get, not give. Helping others is the cure for loneliness. If we feel lonely, we are probably self-centered. If we feel unloved, we are probably unloving. If we love only ourselves, we may be the only persons to love us. Whatever we give out, we get back.
John Templeton

The very day that happened [the German invasion of Poland]. I said to myself that if there’s ever a time when corporations that are struggling come back to life is during a war. Following the Great Depression, there were more than 100 stocks on the New York Stock Exchange that had gone down to less than a dollar a share, so I called up Merrill Lynch and said, ‘Buy me $100 worth of everything below $1 a share.’ That proved to be very lucky. Within four years, I had four times my money.
John Templeton

At the beginning of sophomore year (1931) my father told me with regret that he could not contribute even one dollar more to my education. At first this seemed to be a tragedy; but now looking back, it was the best thing that could have happened.
John Templeton

Seeming tragedy can be God’s way of educating his children.
John Templeton

My first purchase of any stock was the $700 preferred stock of Standard Gas and Electric Company, which was selling at 12 percent of par because of the Great Depression. From that original $800 and later savings have grown all of the investments I now own.
John Templeton

[On Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham] The best book ever written.
John Templeton

The truth is that I started out my life with no money whatever. I made my own way through Yale, and with scholarships through Oxford.
John Templeton

It is my vision that more and more people worldwide will lead lives of happiness, usefulness, and prosperity if we work continuously toward spiritual growth and better understanding of the virtues by which we should govern ourselves.
John Templeton

Buy cheap stocks.
John Templeton

Investors to this day write to me for investing advice or to express concerns about the global economy. Throughout history, people have focused too little on the opportunities that problems present in investing and in life in general.
John Templeton

There are many investing methods available, but I have had the most success when purchasing stocks priced far too low in relation to their intrinsic worth.
John Templeton

One principle that I have used throughout my career is to invest at the point of maximum pessimism. That is, the time to be most optimistic is at the point of maximum pessimism.
John Templeton

Whenever you purchase a large amount of future earning power for a low price, you have made a good investment. The only way to accomplish this is to buy when others are selling. Investors often struggle with this concept; it is not easy to act contrary to popular opinion.
John Templeton

Do something where you’re performing a real service for people. It’ll be a success. I like investment counselling. And I like helping others. It gives you pleasure you can’t get spending thousands of dollars.
John Templeton

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs…
John Templeton

That greed and callousness are shortsighted business methods is a crucial lesson for us all to absorb. Learning it will spell success. You should always care about your customer. You should treat your employee as you want to be treated. If you follow these precepts, … financial success is likely to follow.
John Templeton

We’re not so uptight and on edge as those who are in the business merely to make money. We start each day by setting our minds on the important things and praying. All our transactions are influenced by that.
John Templeton

In general, people who take advantage in their dealings will get a bad reputation and before long others will not want to deal with them.
John Templeton

If you weren’t working for your present company, who would you most like to join instead?
John Templeton

In almost every activity in life people try to go where the outlook is best. You look for a job in an industry with a good future or build a factory in an area where the prospects are best. However, my contention is that if you are selecting publicly traded investments, you have to do the opposite.
John Templeton

The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy, and the time of maximum optimism is the best time to sell.
John Templeton

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