Kim Kiyosaki Quotes

100 Kim Kiyosaki Quotes

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Not only do women live longer than men today, but women often marry older men. That means many women will be widows who will have to support themselves for 15-20 years.
Kim Kiyosaki

Women, money and marriage are closely related.
Kim Kiyosaki

Financial education is discovering where you are and what you have financially and then determining where you want to go.
Kim Kiyosaki

We hear what we want to hear.
Kim Kiyosaki

The primary emotion that comes up for women around money is fear – fear of making a mistake, fear of losing money, fear of what other people might think. One of women’s greatest fears today is running out of money during retirement. It’s a bit of a catch 22…
Kim Kiyosaki

No matter how courage reveals itself, there is always one thing that every act of courage has in common – fear. It wouldn’t be courage unless you were scared.
Kim Kiyosaki

I hate being told what to do!
Kim Kiyosaki

When it comes to money, men and women are different – historically, psychologically, mentally and emotionally.
Kim Kiyosaki

I my mind the person who has the money can tell others what to do. So I decided early on to be the one making the rules, not being told what to do.
Kim Kiyosaki

Tell yourself the truth about who or what you are depending upon for your financial future.
Kim Kiyosaki

It’s impossible to talk about men, women, and money without talking about sex. Sex, money, and women are closely interwoven, and often we don’t even see the impact one has on the other…
Kim Kiyosaki

I will never be dependent on a man, or anyone, for that matter, for my financial life… That decision has guided me throughout my life.
Kim Kiyosaki

I love men. I just do not want to be financially dependent on them.
Kim Kiyosaki

I am certain that any woman who truly commits to taking control of her own financial life will succeed. Women are doing it every day.
Kim Kiyosaki

My parents have always been wonderful role models for me. Since I can remember they told me I could accomplish anything I wanted.
Kim Kiyosaki

One of the first lessons from Rich Dad that Robert [Kiyosaki] shared with me was this: The key to the ‘I’ or investor quadrant is to have your money working hard for you so that you don’t have to work hard for money.
Kim Kiyosaki

I worked out that in order to work my way up the corporate ladder I would have to excel at carrying out orders… as you all know, I really do not like being told what to do.
Kim Kiyosaki

History has clearly shown that following directions is not my forte.
Kim Kiyosaki

I want my own business. I’m not very good at taking orders, and I love business, so it seems the solution for me is to have my own business.
Kim Kiyosaki

We were broke and without jobs or work. We had a long ways to go before we were ready to launch our business. At times we were even homeless… I can honestly say 1985 was the worst year of our lives.
Kim Kiyosaki

Money can’t make you happy? Well I can tell you first-hand that no money can make you miserable.
Kim Kiyosaki

We knew that getting jobs would be a step backward. We had come this far, let’s not quit now.
Kim Kiyosaki

If we went for the comfort of the ‘paycheck’ then we might never build our business.
Kim Kiyosaki

It was actually being in this horrible situation that was our driving force.
Kim Kiyosaki

I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself. I stopped blaming everyone else for my circumstances.
Kim Kiyosaki

We no longer had to work for money. It was a great feeling.
Kim Kiyosaki

It wasn’t the sale of our company that allowed us to retire. If we had to depend upon that money to live on then we would have probably burned through the money from the sale in about two years.
Kim Kiyosaki

We were able to retire in 1994 because of our investments.
Kim Kiyosaki

Every month we had money coming in from our investments, primarily in real estate, that more than covered our living expenses. That’s what I mean when I say we were financially free.
Kim Kiyosaki

I started with real estate.
Kim Kiyosaki

It was the most frightening thing I had ever faced. I was scared to death… I was afraid of making mistakes that would cost us money.
Kim Kiyosaki

It was in the quiet of Bisbee that Robert [Kiyosaki] wrote the book, Rich Dad Poor Dad…
Kim Kiyosaki

When your cash flow from your investments is greater than your monthly living expenses then you are out of the Rat Race!
Kim Kiyosaki

[On the book Rich Dad Poor Dad] We printed 1000 copies of the book in April 1997… We thought we’d have Christmas presents to last us the next ten years. No bookstore wanted the book. No distributor would touch it. No wholesaler would even return our calls. So we began marketing it ourselves…
Kim Kiyosaki

We took the hard road – the road most people avoid – in exchange for what we anticipated would become the easier road in the future.
Kim Kiyosaki

I definitely would not say I have a relaxing life…I think in most people’s minds the word ‘retire’ conjures up those idyllic pictures – a couple lying on a white sand beach, playing 18 holes with golfing pals, or traveling to those faraway places you always dreamed of.
Kim Kiyosaki

It wasn’t so much that I was retired or that I stopped working, it was that I was in a financial position in which I no longer had to work if I chose not to.
Kim Kiyosaki

I no longer needed the money from my work or business to live on. I could choose to do whatever I wanted.
Kim Kiyosaki

My goal was not even to become rich. My goal was to be financially independent.
Kim Kiyosaki

As long as I was dependent on someone else for my survival I wasn’t free.
Kim Kiyosaki

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