Lance Armstrong Quotes

340 Lance Armstrong Quotes

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Pain is temporary, but quitting lasts forever.
Lance Armstrong

A slow death is not for me. I don’t do anything slow, not even breathe.
Lance Armstrong

It’s not about the bike.
Lance Armstrong

I want to die at a hundred years old with an American flag on my back and the star of Texas on my helmet, after screaming down an Alpine descent on a bicycle at 75 miles per hour.
Lance Armstrong

I do everything at a fast cadence: eat fast, sleep fast.
Lance Armstrong

The truth is that cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me.
Lance Armstrong

It if was a suffer-fest, I was good at it.
Lance Armstrong

I didn’t do it for pleasure. I did it for pain.
Lance Armstrong

Chemo had made the worst climb in the Alps seem flat.
Lance Armstrong

We have unrealised capacities that sometimes only emerge in crisis.
Lance Armstrong

It makes me crazy when my wife, Kristin, drives our car, because she brakes at all the Yellow caution lights, while I squirm impatiently in the passenger seat.
Lance Armstrong

Come on, don’t be a skirt.
Lance Armstrong

Cyclist’s fight an ongoing war with guys in big trucks, and so many vehicles have hit me, so many times, in so many countries, I’ve lot count.
Lance Armstrong

I’ve learned how to take out my own stitches: all you need is a pair of fingernail clippers and a strong stomach.
Lance Armstrong

Cyclists have to shave, because when the gravel gets into your skin, it’s easier to clean and bandage if you have no hair.
Lance Armstrong

One minute you’re pedalling along a highway, and the next minute, boom, you’re face down in the dirt.
Lance Armstrong

Cancer was like … being run off the road by a truck, and I’ve got the scars to prove it.
Lance Armstrong

The real prizes are two deep half-moons in my scalp, as if I was kicked twice in the head by a horse. Those are the leftovers from brain surgery.
Lance Armstrong

Death is not exactly cocktail-party conversation… and neither is cancer, or brain surgery, or matters below the waist.
Lance Armstrong

I’m not storybook material.
Lance Armstrong

You don’t fly up a hill. You struggle slowly and painfully up a hill, and maybe, if you work very hard, you get to the top ahead of everybody else.
Lance Armstrong

Good, strong people get cancer, and they do all the right things to beat it, and they still die. That is the essential truth that you learn.
Lance Armstrong

People die. And after you learn it, all other matters seem irrelevant. They just seem small.
Lance Armstrong

I don’t know why I’m still alive.
Lance Armstrong

I like to train hard and to race hard.
Lance Armstrong

I can’t help feeling that my survival was more a matter of blind luck.
Lance Armstrong

I can endure more physical stress than most people can, and I don’t get as tired while I’m doing it.
Lance Armstrong

I was lucky – I was born with an above-average capacity for breathing.
Lance Armstrong

When I was sick, I saw more beauty and triumph and truth in a single day than I ever did in a bike race – but they were human moments, no miraculous ones.
Lance Armstrong

Athletes, especially cyclists, are in the business of denial. You deny all the aches and pains because you have to in order to finish the race. It’s a sport of self-abuse.
Lance Armstrong

Everything hurts. Your back hurts, your feet hurt, your hands hurt, your neck hurts, your leg hut, and of course, you butt hurts.
Lance Armstrong

Cycling is a sport that rewards mature champions.
Lance Armstrong

It was the kind of headache you see in movies, a knee-buckling, head-between-your-hands, brain-crusher.
Lance Armstrong

I had an excuse for everything.
Lance Armstrong

There was an icy feeling in the pit of my stomach, and it was growing.
Lance Armstrong

I have cancer.
Lance Armstrong

I’m 25. Why would I have cancer?
Lance Armstrong

I wanted to cure it instantly. Right away. I would have undergone surgery that night. I would have used a radiation gun on myself, if it would help.
Lance Armstrong

I had a lot of calls to make, and one of them was to my mother; somehow, I’d have to tell her that her only child had cancer.
Lance Armstrong

I had left the house an indestructible 25 year old, bulletproof.
Lance Armstrong

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