Li Ka Shing Quotes

160 Li Ka Shing Quotes

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I have always enjoyed a simple lifestyle. I have very modest needs in terms of material comfort.
Li Ka Shing

Spiritual peace and comfort… are very important to me. I only have a desire to do more meaningful deeds.
Li Ka Shing

If you think, then you will be prepared. If you are prepared, then you will have no worries.
Li Ka Shing

My father died of tuberculosis when we could not afford medical care. I know the feeling of helplessness and loneliness.
Li Ka Shing

I bought secondhand books whenever I had spare money and absorbed them before trading them in for more books. Even today I read before going to bed every night.
Li Ka Shing

Knowledge is not a guarantee of a life of riches but it does open the door to more opportunities. And recognizing more opportunities is really the best that you can expect.
Li Ka Shing

Fifty years ago, I named my company Cheung Kong Holdings after the Yangtze River that flows through China, a great river that aggregates countless streams and tributaries. These days I think about where this ‘river’ should flow.
Li Ka Shing

[On philanthropy] I will continue to do the same and more, not out of a sense of duty but because it is a maxim by which I choose to live my life.
Li Ka Shing

[On calling his foundation ‘Third Child’] I was tossing and turning one night. The next day, when I was having dinner with my family, I told them that I have a third child. They fell silent. They were shocked and thought that I had finally lost it. Actually it was an epiphany. If I had a third child, wouldn’t I want to build a solid foundation for his future? By treating my private foundation as my third son, I could allocate more assets to it and enable it to benefit more people.
Li Ka Shing

The Foundation has invested in a lot of companies with good returns and they are 100 percent for charity. One of the items is almost five times bigger than the PCCW investment.
Li Ka Shing

The most important thing is to build the best reputation.
Li Ka Shing

Anytime I say ‘yes’ to someone, it is a contract.
Li Ka Shing

In 1956, when I was in the plastics business, my first order was for a three to six month production. I calculated a profit of 20 percent. My competitors were making 100 percent profit.
Li Ka Shing

A large US competitor of my buyer approached me and offered to pay me an extra 30 percent profit for the merchandise my buyer had ordered. He said that, with the extra profit, I could expand my factory. I said, ‘Look, I am also a businessman. I’ll make a deal with you. I will start another factory in nine months’ time, a much bigger one, and I will take your order. But this time I have already promised this buyer, and I will finish the order for him as I am his only supplier.
Li Ka Shing

When the buyer came to Hong Kong he humoured me and said that he thought I would be bankrupt by now. He said, ‘Why didn’t you take the extra profit from my competitor?’ I said, ‘I already promised you.’ He said, ‘but at least you could have told me and requested a price increase.’ I said, ‘Next time, I will increase the price.’
Li Ka Shing

Reputation is the key to success. You have to be loyal to your customers.
Li Ka Shing

If you are not honest and sincere, people will leave you sooner or later.
Li Ka Shing

A company is built on the efforts of many individuals, and not just on one person.
Li Ka Shing

You can’t succeed on charisma alone.
Li Ka Shing

Treat people with sincerity and build a good organization. Otherwise it doesn’t matter how famous or how capable you are. A company needs a good infrastructure, good organization, and good people. If everyone works in concert, then you can succeed.
Li Ka Shing

Social progress requires courage, hard work and perseverance; more importantly, they know that a fair and equitable society is built on trust and integrity.
Li Ka Shing

Democracy without law and order is no democracy. We have many investments in democratic countries.
Li Ka Shing

A liberal society has to be founded not only on law and order but [also on] a prosperous economy.
Li Ka Shing

We cannot afford to have instability in Hong Kong.
Li Ka Shing

If we rush into things and get emotional, usually it will lead to unexpected mistakes.
Li Ka Shing

Our work is certainly challenging, but we are not under any pressure except for the pressure to outperform.
Li Ka Shing

[In 1997 – First job at age 12. First business started at age 22.] I’ve worked for 58 years.
Li Ka Shing

[On being up to it] Because I’m hard working, frugal, steadfast, willing to learn and to build a credible name.
Li Ka Shing

After seventeen, I knew I’d have a good chance of starting my own business, because I knew I’d been right in my beliefs.
Li Ka Shing

Regardless of when I go to bed, I get up at the same time every morning. At 5:59am I get up when the alarm clock rings because I want to listen to the news on the radio. This is how a day begins.
Li Ka Shing

At six something I play golf… Play for an hour and a half. This period of time belongs to me alone. The rest of the time, I deal with business and work and time spent like this is not necessarily my own. This hour and a half is all mine.
Li Ka Shing

Like living and doing business, there are ups and downs.
Li Ka Shing

I remember in 1938 I’d just begun high school when Japanese planes bombed Chiuchow. A year afterwards our family moved to Hong Kong.
Li Ka Shing

After the pacific war began only my father and I were in Hong Kong. Soon he developed tuberculosis and went to a public hospital.
Li Ka Shing

Because he had TB (Tuberculosis), I went to get some old books… books about treating TB and taking care of TB patients.
Li Ka Shing

If I hadn’t been smart and bought those books it would have been better. I was only 13 then and got scared to death after reading the books. I had all the symptoms.
Li Ka Shing

My childhood days were very tough, tough that I had no one to talk to. I couldn’t have written and told my mother, could I? Absolutely not. Whatever went wrong in my life, I couldn’t tell my mother.
Li Ka Shing

As for father, there’s one thing that’s remained comforting to me. One day before he died… he turned things around. Instead of saying something to me, he asked me if I had anything to say to him. Think about it and you’ll find that very sad. But with a lot of confidence, I talked to him and comforted him, saying ‘The whole of our family will have a good life.’ I promised myself that after saying those confident words to my father I must work doubly hard for a future.
Li Ka Shing

While other people learned, I grabbed… grabbed knowledge.
Li Ka Shing

Without the money for new books I bought old ones, textbooks used by teachers for high school. I only had a dictionary and the books and I studied on my own. When I was done with the books, I exchanged them for more old books. In the circumstances then, I was working for a future.
Li Ka Shing

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