Napoleon Hill Quotes

752 Napoleon Hill Quotes

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Any person can be won by affection quicker than by hatred.
Napoleon Hill

The man who gives freely of happiness always has a big stock of it on hand.
Napoleon Hill

You can laugh off worries that you can't scare off with a frown.
Napoleon Hill

The orderliness of the world of natural laws gives evidence that they are under control of a universal plan.
Napoleon Hill

There is harmony throughout the universe, in everything except human relationships.
Napoleon Hill

Friction in machinery costs in terms of money. Friction in human relations impoverishes both the spirit and the purse of man.
Napoleon Hill

If you cannot agree with another, you can at least refrain from quarreling with him on that account.
Napoleon Hill

There are three sides to most of your disagreements with others: your side, the other fellow's side, and the right side, which may be somewhere between the other two sides.
Napoleon Hill

The man who inspires harmony in human relationships goes up: the man who stirs up friction goes down. The order is never reversed.
Napoleon Hill

The loss caused by friction in human relationships, if it could be prevented, would make all men tax-free and pay for the world wars in a single year.
Napoleon Hill

The most important job is that of learning how to negotiate with others without friction.
Napoleon Hill

Remember it takes at least two people to carry on a quarrel.
Napoleon Hill

Unlimited power may be available when two or more men coordinate their minds and deeds in a spirit of perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite purpose.
Napoleon Hill

Mutual confidence is the foundation of all satisfactory human relationships.
Napoleon Hill

A good fisherman goes out of his way to bait his hook with what fish prefer, which might not be a bad tip for those who wish to succeed in human relationships.
Napoleon Hill

The man who creates good fellowship among men will never be short of friends.
Napoleon Hill

The person who loves harmony usually knows how to maintain it.
Napoleon Hill

All enduring success is founded upon harmonious human relationships.
Napoleon Hill

If you must meddle in human relationships, try to be a peacemaker among men and you'll not find too much competition.
Napoleon Hill

Anything that disturbs harmony among men is apt to have originated with those who profit by mistrust.
Napoleon Hill

If you look around, you can always find someone who In worse off than yourself. Be grateful you aren't in hit shoes.
Napoleon Hill

Time is the greatest of all doctors. If given a chance, it can cure most of the ills that men gripe about.
Napoleon Hill

When things become so bad they cannot become worse, they usually begin to be better.
Napoleon Hill

Misfortune seldom tangles with the man whose constant bodyguards are hope and faith.
Napoleon Hill

Hope and fear don't travel together.
Napoleon Hill

When hope dies, opportunity seldom attends the funeral.
Napoleon Hill

Hope and faith are the willing servants of successful men.
Napoleon Hill

Opulence without effort is a hope without fulfillment.
Napoleon Hill

Jealousy is temporary insanity.
Napoleon Hill

You can't be perfect but you can be honest.
Napoleon Hill

Clothes may not make a man, but they may go a darned long way toward giving him a favorable start.
Napoleon Hill

It takes more than a title and a mahogany desk to make an executive.
Napoleon Hill

The man who builds a house always gets more for his work than does the man who tears it down.
Napoleon Hill

Harmony in human relationships is a man's greatest asset. Don't permit anyone to rob you of your share.
Napoleon Hill

One thing that gets the goat of an angry person is a smile when he expects a frown.
Napoleon Hill

When you can't win, you can at least grin.
Napoleon Hill

Your job will do for you no more than you do for it.
Napoleon Hill

Revenge is a trait of the primitive man.
Napoleon Hill

If you are looking for trouble, someone will be meddlesome enough to help you find it.
Napoleon Hill

Begin looking for symptoms of illness and the disease itself will soon put in its appearance.
Napoleon Hill

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