Napoleon Hill Quotes

752 Napoleon Hill Quotes

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How can you judge others accurately if you have not learned to judge yourself accurately?
Napoleon Hill

Did you cheat the other fellow, or yourself? Be thoughtful before you answer.
Napoleon Hill

The person who thinks before he acts seldom has to apologize for his acts.
Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill

Trying to convince a man who doesn't think is love's labor lost.
Napoleon Hill

Thinking your way through your problems is safer than wishing your way through.
Napoleon Hill

The fellow who thinks the whole world is wrong might be surprised at what the world thinks of him.
Napoleon Hill

Many men who think they have arrived are surprised to learn that they have been traveling in reverse gear.
Napoleon Hill

You may as well not listen if you don't think. Be careful not to tangle with the man who thinks before he acts.
Napoleon Hill

Watch the man ahead of you and you'll learn why he is ahead. Then emulate him.
Napoleon Hill

If you wish a job done promptly and well, get a busy man to do it. The idle man knows too many substitutes and short cuts.
Napoleon Hill

The man who doesn't reach decisions promptly when he has all necessary facts in hand cannot be depended on to carry out decisions after he makes them.
Napoleon Hill

The man who only does enough work to ‘get by’ seldom gets much more than ‘by.’
Napoleon Hill

Good intentions are useless until they are expressed in appropriate action. It takes more than a name on a church membership to make a Christian.
Napoleon Hill

You can do it if you believe you can.
Napoleon Hill

A man comes finally to believe anything he tells himself often enough even if it is not true.
Napoleon Hill

If you don't believe it yourself, don't ask anyone else to do so.
Napoleon Hill

Might throws itself on the side of those who believe in right.
Napoleon Hill

The common "hobo" works harder and pays more for what he gets out of life than any other person, but he kids himself into believing he is getting something for nothing.
Napoleon Hill

Be cautious of the man from whom dogs and children shrink with fear.
Napoleon Hill

Over-caution is as bad as no caution. It makes other people suspicious.
Napoleon Hill

Look carefully to see if the pasture on the other side of the fence appears greener, for there may be plenty of thistles mixed with the grass.
Napoleon Hill

When a man says: "They say so and so," ask him to name who "they" are and watch him squirm with embarrassment.
Napoleon Hill

When a stranger appears too eager to do something for you, take care that he doesn't do something to you.
Napoleon Hill

Look the fellow over carefully who is trying to sell you his way of life, to make sure his way is as good as yours.
Napoleon Hill

Beware of the fellow who tries to kid you into believing he is doing so much better than you.
Napoleon Hill

Render more service and better service than is expected of you if you wish to attract quick and permanent promotion.
Napoleon Hill

Every time you perform a task, try to excel your last performance, and very soon you will excel those around you.
Napoleon Hill

Who told you it couldn't be done, and what great achievements has he performed that qualified him to set up limitations for you?
Napoleon Hill

Henry Ford is reported to have offered twenty-five thousand dollars to anyone who would show him how to save a single bolt and nut on each automobile he made.
Napoleon Hill

Show me how to save a thin dime on any operation in the plant and I'll show you how to get quick and adequate promotion.
Napoleon Hill

Where will you be and what will you be ten years from now if you keep on the way you are going?
Napoleon Hill

Never tear down anything unless you are prepared to build something better in its place.
Napoleon Hill

In the hour of defeat many men have discovered their true greatness by accepting defeat only as a challenge to try again.
Napoleon Hill

What do you want from life and what have you to give in return that entitles you to it?
Napoleon Hill

The successful man keeps his mind fixed on what he wants in life - not what he doesn't want.
Napoleon Hill

Peggy Joyce Hopkins married four millionaires, one after another, because she knew what she wanted and refused to accept substitutes.
Napoleon Hill

Never mind what you have done in the past. What are you going to do in the future?
Napoleon Hill

The only permanent thing in the entire universe is that which a man sets up in his own mind.
Napoleon Hill

If you don't know what you want from life, what do you think you will get?
Napoleon Hill

Be sure about what you want from life and doubly sure of what you have to give in return.
Napoleon Hill

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