Og Mandino Quotes
200 Og Mandino Quotes
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Sheep, for self-preservation always remain with their herd. You are not a sheep, nor are you lost.
Og Mandino
Competition will always place your life in the hands of others, while initiative gives you the freedom to choose your own destiny…
Og Mandino
One of the basic pillars for a life worth living… that word is work.
Og Mandino
‘Lucky’ is what others will call you after your hard work produces results…
Og Mandino
Striving for success is only a part of living, it is never the entire apple.
Og Mandino
Success is a fickle and difficult taskmaster. Achieving it is not the climax, the finish line, the final gun.
Og Mandino
Success without the joy of living, is a game for fools.
Og Mandino
Help your kids grow and flourish in a garden of their own choice, not yours. When that happens, both you and they have succeeded!
Og Mandino
The ultimate goal of life is to be happy.
Og Mandino
Success and happiness are often coupled as goals, as if the attainment of the first automatically guaranteed the second. No so. All of us know successful individuals who are miserable.
Og Mandino
The only certain means of success is to render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be.
Og Mandino
Do all things with love.
Og Mandino
Treasure the love you receive about all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished.
Og Mandino
Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
Og Mandino
The road to success for me, was a long and arduous journey, strewn with obstacles and traps, pitfalls and hurdles – all created by myself.
Og Mandino
My money ran out and I abandoned my dream… I married a loved woman, bought a house, was blessed with a beautiful daughter – and struggled in job after job, failure after failure, until I tried to drown my frustrations and miseries in bottles of wine.
Og Mandino
Eventually I lost everything that was important to me, and one day, as a lonely bum peering at a small handgun in a Cleveland pawnshop window, found myself contemplating suicide. I didn’t buy that gun, although its tiny yellow tag was marked ‘Only $29!’ No guts.
Og Mandino
I am unable to explain the miracle that turned my life around. Who can explain miracles?
Og Mandino
Was it too late for a thirty five year old loser to make something of his life?
Og Mandino
Mom, wherever you are, I just want you to know that your little kid finally made it. I’m a writer at last.
Og Mandino
I am neither a poet nor a hero but I have travelled a long and bumpy road – from the horror of being a drunken bum to the delight of being a best-selling author.
Og Mandino
Experience has been a stern but excellent teacher.
Og Mandino
[In 1989] I couldn’t forget the faces of the young, eager Mexicans, nor could I help thinking that if our American young don’t wake up, these Mexican kids are going to outproduce, outmarket, and outperform our bunch in the next twenty years. The world is gain on us... fast!
Og Mandino
When I was a kid, I remember that I would always knock down and remove, with a stick, any spiderweb I would find, and now I just watch… and eventually walk away.
Og Mandino
Had this pond really been here for millions of years? Standing there, I felt very insignificant and small.
Og Mandino
Nice words. Almost better than getting paid.
Og Mandino
Even before I commenced school, my mother, a tough little redheaded Irish lady, had mapped out my future for me. She was constantly reminding me that someday I would be a great writer, not just a writer – a great writer. I didn’t fight her; I bought the idea. She even had me reading grown-up books and writing short compositions long before I ever sat behind a classroom desk. Yes, someday I would be a great writer!
Og Mandino
Only six weeks after I graduated from high school, my mother dropped dead in our kitchen while she was preparing lunch for me, and that tragic event put an end to my dream of college and a writing career. [Until 35 years old.]
Og Mandino
It seemed that no matter how hard or how many hours I worked, we were always in debt up to our eyeballs…
Og Mandino
I don’t know how it happened. I heard no voices, no angels singing, but I slowly turned away from that pawnshop and trudged up the street in the driving rain and sleet until I found myself on the steps of a public library. I entered. It was warm – and it was free…. I began that morning to read book after book by the great masters of success… Gradually, starting that morning, my life began to change.
Og Mandino
They bought my book – for all that money! [$350,000 for rights to paperback version.]
Og Mandino
I was forty-five years old. It is never too late.
Og Mandino
Ferns were nibbled on by dinosaurs long before these magnificent creates ever saw a fruit tree or a flower in bloom. I’ve never eaten one, but I understand that fiddleheads are considered a delicacy by many, especially here in New Hampshire. Maybe instead of cholesterol-filled cheese chunks I’ll try some in an omelet one of these days.
Og Mandino
Simplicity is the keynote of success in any endeavour.
Og Mandino
Stop taking others, and yourself too seriously. You are a miracle of nature but that doesn’t mean you were put here to be a sourpuss…
Og Mandino
Every notable work seems at first impossible.
Og Mandino
Most humans, in varying degrees, are already dead. In one way or another they have lost their dreams, their ambitions, their desire for a better life.
Og Mandino
Most of us build prisons for ourselves and after we occupy them for a period of time we become accustomed to their walls and accept the false premise that we are incarcerated for life. As soon as that belief takes hold of us we abandon hope of ever doing more with our lives and of ever giving our dreams a chance to be fulfilled. We become puppets and begin to suffer living deaths.
Og Mandino
It may be praiseworthy and noble to sacrifice your life to a cause or a business or the happiness of others, but if you are miserable and unfulfilled in that lifestyle, and know it, then to remain in it is a hypocrisy…
Og Mandino
A man’s mind is like a garden which may be intelligently cultivated or allow to run wild, but whether cultivated or neglected, it would produce. If no useful seeds were planted, then an abundance of useless weed-seeds would fall into the land, and the results would be wrong, useless, harmful and impure plants. Whatever we allow to enter our minds will always bear fruit.
Og Mandino
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