Paul J Meyer Quotes

135 Paul J Meyer Quotes

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Work weeds the garden and cultivates the mind.
Paul J Meyer

Work mines coal from the earth and uncovers diamonds.
Paul J Meyer

Work turns poverty into prosperity.
Paul J Meyer

Work turns dream into reality.
Paul J Meyer

Work overcomes adversity and defeat.
Paul J Meyer

Work is the breath of life.
Paul J Meyer

Work supports the wings that put eagles high in the air.
Paul J Meyer

My favourite time in life is right now.
Paul J Meyer

I have learned that 90% of all failure comes from quitting too soon; so haning on with persistence has given me the best chance of reaching my goals.
Paul J Meyer

Many lessons of determination are demonstrated in nature: a) Drops of water falling three or four times a minute eventually wear a hole in a granite boulder. b) The constant force of the wind twists a giant tree into a shape entirely different from its nature.
Paul J Meyer

If life is easy for a person, with few or no changes or challenges, that person must be coasting downhill, taking the course of least resistance. Although this was one of the most difficult principles to learn, I saw others demonstrate it again and again – the downhill road requires minimum effort and leads nowhere special. People have to work and push to make anything go uphill. The trail to the mountain top, the pathway to the stars, demands work and persistence.
Paul J Meyer

The same hammer that shatters the glass forges the steel.
Paul J Meyer

Make do, or do without.
Paul J Meyer

Do what you have to do, when you have to do it, with what you have to do it with.
Paul J Meyer

I learned that few items are totally unfit for use and must be discarded or rejected. I learned that this truth also applies to people.
Paul J Meyer

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