Paul Zane Pilzer Quotes

100 Paul Zane Pilzer Quotes

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Crisis or opportunity?
Paul Zane Pilzer

The direct selling community is a group that often picks up on trends long before the rest of the world has noticed them.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Today there are at least ten million more people who will shrug off the pessimism and malaise of the times, who will grasp and ride the surging currents of new wealth creation over the next ten years to become the next millionaires.
Paul Zane Pilzer

[In 2006] Our economy is in the middle of the greatest growth spurt in history.
Paul Zane Pilzer

The internet represents one of the greatest economic revolutions in history – and it’s just getting started.
Paul Zane Pilzer

In today’s work, working for yourself is actually the safer route, and working for a corporation has become the riskier proposition.
Paul Zane Pilzer

The individual entrepreneur today is often far more competitive than the big corporation.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Home-based businesses are one of the fastest-growing segments in our economy, and that trend will only continue, as the age of the corporation, which began barely a century ago, now gives way to the age of the entrepreneur.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Greater and greater diversity of skills, greater and greater specialization, leads to more and more trade. Increased trade leads to a further increase in wealth for all involved.
Paul Zane Pilzer

We have a proven antidote to war: free trade.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Free trade is the engine that fuels the growth of wealth.
Paul Zane Pilzer

There are no resources to run out of, because all resources are inventions of the human mind.
Paul Zane Pilzer

The supply of any given resource, at any given moment, depends upon the technology with which you fin it, extract it and use it.
Paul Zane Pilzer

W = P x T Wealth (W) equals the physical resources available (P) multiplied by the technology available (T).
Paul Zane Pilzer

The advance of technology is determined by the speed with which you exchange information.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Technology doesn’t merely help fill a need – technology actually determines what constitutes a ‘need’.
Paul Zane Pilzer

There is no limit to demand: demand is always going up.
Paul Zane Pilzer

You immediate economic potential is defined by your technology gap.
Paul Zane Pilzer

The technology gap is where you will find the greatest potential for growth. This is where the great majority of the next millionaires will come from in the years ahead of us.
Paul Zane Pilzer

We’re in the middle of a ‘millionaire population explosion’.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Your work is defined by your skills and how well you keep pace with the dizzying rate of technological change.
Paul Zane Pilzer

How much you discipline your mind to step out of its routines and look into new ways of doing things that you haven’t yet adopted, is what will determine your economic potential.
Paul Zane Pilzer

You can no longer just pick a job and keep it for the rest of your life.
Paul Zane Pilzer

[In 2006] By the end of this decade, the wellness industry will exceed $1 trillion.
Paul Zane Pilzer

One of the most transforming effects of the internet has been the empowerment of the consumer.
Paul Zane Pilzer

The #1 business opportunity for those who want to create new wealth is educating consumers about products and services that will improve their lives.
Paul Zane Pilzer

The traditional wisdom in the second half of the twentieth century was this: go to school, get a good education, and go to work for a good company. The idea of ‘going into business for yourself’ was most often regarded as risky. Admirable, perhaps, but risky… and maybe a little crazy. Today, it’s completely the other way around.
Paul Zane Pilzer

We’re in the middle of a boom in home-based businesses, and it shows no sign of slowing.
Paul Zane Pilzer

The corporation has been decentralizing and dismantling itself, giving way to an environment of independent contractors.
Paul Zane Pilzer

The greatest opportunities today are to go into business for yourself as an entrepreneur.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Today, the real risk is staying with a large organization, because your job will probably be permanently dismantled within a few years.
Paul Zane Pilzer

[In 2006] Today more than 50 percent of Americans work either for themselves or for a small business.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Economics is really a quest for happiness, a quest for recognition, for all those things that we really want, which money is a vehicle to acquire, achieve or attain.
Paul Zane Pilzer

People who make money and create wealth by owning and building their own businesses love other people.
Paul Zane Pilzer

At the core of your health is your diet: what you eat every day. And at the core of your wealth is your work: what you do every day.
Paul Zane Pilzer

The most important factor that determines how successful you will be in direct selling is you.
Paul Zane Pilzer

You should absolutely use and believe in the products or services that you sell.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Before you invest in anything else, exhaust the possibilities of investing in your own business first.
Paul Zane Pilzer

The single most important trait for financial success is the capacity to willingly delay gratification.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Capitalize on the great opportunity ahead: The opportunity to make an incredible fortune by doing incredible good in the greatness industry on earth – wellness.
Paul Zane Pilzer

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