Paul Zane Pilzer Quotes

100 Paul Zane Pilzer Quotes (Paul Pilzer Quotes)

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Our wealth is rewarded in direct proportion to the number of people with whom we are willing to share.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Resources are unlimited because our minds are unlimited.
Paul Zane Pilzer

All the resources we think we’re running out of are really inventions of the human mind – and there is no limit to the human mind.
Paul Zane Pilzer

We don’t learn anywhere near as much as when we make mistakes.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Human beings resist change automatically.
Paul Zane Pilzer

To survive is to rely on constancy; but to change is to grow.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Growth and survival: it is an inherent paradox of human existence.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Success in business depends largely on your adapting skills – the ability with which you learn new things.
Paul Zane Pilzer

How much you discipline your mind to step out of it’s routines and look into new ways of doing things that you haven’t yet adopted is what will determine your economic potential.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Why, in such a great free-market economy, in this land of opportunity, would workers voluntarily submit to working for someone else, when they could go into business for themselves and sell their skills directly to customers in the marketplace?
Paul Zane Pilzer

Business is about serving other people.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Our learning experiences come primarily from our mistakes, not our good choices.
Paul Zane Pilzer

It is easier to sell more product to an existing customer than to sell that same product to a new customer.
Paul Zane Pilzer

He with the gold makes the rules.
Paul Zane Pilzer

We will never run out of resources because we always invent new ones.
Paul Zane Pilzer

When you start your own business, you’re going to put in the same hours as you did working for the corporation, if not more. But you get to control which hours.
Paul Zane Pilzer

You only win when you help others win.
Paul Zane Pilzer

The more people increase their wealth, the greater proportion of their income they spend on wellness.
Paul Zane Pilzer

It doesn’t do any good to buy a health-insurance policy that doesn’t cover your doctors.
Paul Zane Pilzer

This is an age-old theme, it doesn’t reflect reality. We aren’t running out resources: there are no ‘resources’ to run out of, because we’re constantly defining and inventing new ones.
Paul Zane Pilzer

The technology gap is where you will find the greatest potential for growth.
Paul Zane Pilzer

The overwhelming majority of our social and economic problems today stem from the fact that we have a society built to resist change rather than embrace it. Human beings resist change automatically. Because of this, there is a natural human tendency to resist change and to view it as a negative, threatening force. At the same time, human beings thrive on change. To survive is to rely on constancy; but to change is to grow. Growth and survival: it is an inherent paradox of human existence.
Paul Zane Pilzer

[In 2006] Changes that used to take place in 50 years now happen in a handful of years… or even months.
Paul Zane Pilzer

You cannot grow more hours in the day. However, you can make better use of those hours.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Wellness is money you spend to make you feel healthier, even when you’re not ‘sick’ by any standard medical terms.
Paul Zane Pilzer

For most people, the only way you’re ever going to accumulate a significant amount of wealth is through passive income. (Residual income is income that continues to flow after the work that created it has been completed – income that is, in other words, residue remaining from the original effort.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Economics is really a quest for happiness, a quest for recognition, for all those things that we really want, which money is a vehicle to acquire, achieve or attain.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Business is about serving other people. The better you are at giving people something that improves their lives, the more successful you are, and the more money you make.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Make sure you are always working in a business where you can use and leverage your skills for the highest return.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Our learning experiences come primarily from our mistakes, not our good choices. Our good choices are good too, of course, and we move forward with them – but we don’t learn anywhere near as much as when we make mistakes. And the experience gained is nearly always worth more, in real long-term dollar terms, than the money lost.
Paul Zane Pilzer

It is easier to sell more product to an existing customer than to sell that same product to a new customer. In other words, it is easier to influence a regular customer to eat four additional bags of potato chips per month than it is to persuade a new customer, who may never have tasted potato chips before, to buy even one bag of this exotic substance.
Paul Zane Pilzer

One underlying problem is that it is more profitable for medical suppliers to produce products consumers use for the rest of their lives, rather than to make products that a consumer might use only once. Invariably, this means spending research and development funds on products that treat the symptoms of diseases rather than the causes of the cures.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Too many people wait until their health is severely impaired before they take action.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Wellness products and services represent perhaps the only sector of consumer spending that does not take time to enjoy.
Paul Zane Pilzer

[In 2001] There seem to be dozens of new products and services that consumers haven’t yet learned even exist. Teaching consumers about such products and services, or intellectual distribution, is the greatest entrepreneurial opportunity now and for the foreseeable future.
Paul Zane Pilzer

When we don’t get enough protein, vitamins and minerals, our initial symptoms include mood swings, fatigue, nervousness, headaches, confusion and muscle weakness. Over the longer term, such poor nutrition can cause cancer, hypertension, Alzheimers disease and many other diseases that we used to just accept as part of our aging process. Modern medicine typically treats these problems with drugs that focus on each symptom rather than on the underlying problem, which is which we eat, or more correctly in the case of poor nutrition, what we don’t eat.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Ironically, meat and milk products are actually a poor source of protein because they contain high amounts of harmful fats when compared to other protein sources such as fish, nuts, breads and vegetables.
Paul Zane Pilzer

The greatest economic opportunities of tomorrow, almost by definition, are in sectors of our economy that may not even exist today.
Paul Zane Pilzer

The incorrect supposition that we live in a world of scare resources has done more than preclude most individuals from achieving economic success. Over the centuries, this zero-sum-game view of the world has been responsible for wars, revolutions, political strategies, and human suffering of unfathomable proportions.
Paul Zane Pilzer

Since 1750 the gross world output has increased more than seventeen hundred times, while world population has increased only six times.
Paul Zane Pilzer

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