Walt Disney Quotes

320 Walt Disney Quotes

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I just want it to look like nothing else in the world. And it should be surrounded by a train.
Walt Disney

You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world… but it requires people to make the dream a reality.
Walt Disney

I get red, white, and blue at times.
Walt Disney

To tell the truth, more thing of importance happened to me in Marceline than have happened since – or are likely to in the future.
Walt Disney

We fellows would marvel at the tall-stacked engines that pulled into and out of the depot opposite the park where we played. One day when I was eight years old and full of nerve, my buddies dared me to climb into the cab of one of them that stood there, temporarily deserted, and pull the whistle cord. I did so, but as soon as the whistle shrieked I quickly climbed down in a panic and ran like dickens.
Walt Disney

I quit at the end of the summer with losses that absorbed the $30 bond I had posted when I took the job.
Walt Disney

[On Ward Kimball] Yeah, Kimball is always relaxed. Maybe it’s because he’s got such a wonderful hobby running that big steam engine in his backyard.
Walt Disney

Kimball, this is Walt. There’s a swell train show they’re opening in Chicago down by the lake. It’s supposed to be the biggest event in railroad history and I want to go.
Walt Disney

I’ll have the filet mignon steak, rare. [On Ward Kimball’s order] Beef stew, for God’s stake! He means he really wants filet mignon.
Walt Disney

I think that everything that ever happened to me was a good turn. I’ve never really been unhappy.
Walt Disney

[On his wife Lilly saying ‘Mortimer’s too pompous for a cartoon mouse. How ‘bout Mickey?’] Lilly, I like it. Mickey Mouse it is!
Walt Disney

I often find myself surprised at what has been said about our redoubtable little Mickey who was never really a mouse nor yet wholly a man, although always recognizably human, I hope.
Walt Disney

I can’t figure out why in the hell everybody live in the city where they don’t have any room and can’t do anything. Why don’t they come out here where they have this great empty land, filled with opportunity and silence?
Walt Disney

Ward Kimball is one person that I can truly call a genius.
Walt Disney

I want the [train] line to run completely around the house. That’s why I bought five acres of land, so I’d have plenty of running room!
Walt Disney

Spence, I want you to draw up an agreement between me and my family. I want it to say that I’ll be allowed to own a right-of-way through my place for a railroad. [In response Spencer Olin replied ‘You don’t have to do that Walt. The property is in your name anyway.’] Lilly has made up her mind that I shouldn’t run my railroad completely around the house, because it was going to run right through the middle of her garden. She wanted to have a large window put in so her friends can look out at her flowers while they’re playing Canasta.
Walt Disney

I don’t want to do anything that would interfere with Lilly’s ownership of the property. I just want to the right to run my railroad.
Walt Disney

It doesn’t look much like the drawing, Broggie. But, for $1,200, it is sure a lot cheaper than the $100,000 we spent building the first two.
Walt Disney

Sometimes I’ve tried to figure out why Mickey appealed to the whole world. Everybody’s tried to figure it out. So far as I know, nobody has. He’s a pretty nice fellow who never does anybody any harm, who gets into scrapes through no fault of his own, but always manages to come out grinning… Mickey is so simply and uncomplicated, so easy to understand that you can’t help liking him.
Walt Disney

[On Mickey Mouse] Mickey is so simply and uncomplicated, so easy to understand that you can’t help liking him.
Walt Disney

Anything’s possible at Disneyland.
Walt Disney

We like to have a point of view in our stories, not an obvious moral, but a worthwhile theme.
Walt Disney

All we are trying to do is give the public good entertainment. That is all they want.
Walt Disney

[On his daughter Diane] I think she is intelligent enough to know what she wants to do, and I feel that wherever her decision may be is her privilege.
Walt Disney

Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children.
Walt Disney

Of all the things I’ve done, the most vital is coordinating the talents of those who work for us and pointing them towards a certain goal.
Walt Disney

In show business, you can’t live on things made for children – or critics.
Walt Disney

I’ve always had a nightmare: I dream that one of my pictures has ended up in an art theater, and I wake up shaking.
Walt Disney

[In early 1941] It is obvious that a great deal of valuable studio time is being consumed in discussing union matters that should be taken care of on free time.
Walt Disney

[In early 1941] Due to world conditions, the studio is facing a crisis about which a lot of you are evidently unaware. It can be solved by your undivided attention to production matters.
Walt Disney

I don’t know about talking to these guys. They always twist things around…
Walt Disney

In the twenty years I have spent in this business, I have weathered many storms. It has been far from easy sailing. It has required a great deal of hard work, struggle, determination, confidence, faith, and above all, unselfishness. Perhaps the greatest single factor has been our unselfish attitude toward our work.
Walt Disney

I have had a stubborn, blind confidence in the cartoon medium, a determination to show the skeptics that the animated cartoon was deserving of a better place; that is was more than a mere ‘filler’ on a program; that is was more than a novelty; that it could be one of the greatest mediums of fantasy and entertainment yet developed. That faith, confidence and determination and unselfish attitude has brought the cartoon to the place that it now occupies in the entertainment world.
Walt Disney

I have been flat broke twice in this twenty years. Once in 1923 before I came to Hollywood I was so broke I went three days without eating a meal, and I slept on some old canvas and chair cushions in an old rat-trap of a studio for which I hadn’t paid any rent for months.
Walt Disney

Again in 1928 my mother Roy and myself had everything we owned at that time mortgaged. It wasn’t much, but it was all we had. Our cars had been sold to meet payrolls. Our personal insurance was borrowed on to the limit to keep the business going…
Walt Disney

It was over a year after Mickey Mouse was a success before we owned another car, and that was a truck we used in our business on weekdays and for pleasure on Sundays.
Walt Disney

There was one thing uppermost in my mind while trying to solve this problem. And that was, I did not want to spread panic among the employees. I keep the true conditions from them, feeling that if they didn’t thoroughly understand things, it might work against us instead of for us.
Walt Disney

[If he had made drastic salary cuts it] Might have caused panic and lowered moral.
Walt Disney

[If he had only limited production to] Proven money-makers… would have meant the laying off of possibly half of our studio staff.
Walt Disney

I made up my mind that if this business was ever to get anywhere, if this business was ever to have a chance to grow, it could never do it by having to answer… to someone with only one thought or interest – namely profits… For I have a blind faith in the policy that quality, tempered with good judgment and showmanship, will win against all odds.
Walt Disney

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