Wayne Dyer Quotes

200 Wayne Dyer Quotes

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Accept the limitless possibilities of your relationships.
Wayne Dyer

Shift from a human marriage to a spiritual marriage.
Wayne Dyer

I will send love, but I will remove myself physically from their presence because I am too divine and significant to be the subject of any abuse.
Wayne Dyer

I will teach them with my behaviour, not my words, that I am not willing to be their victim any longer, beginning now.
Wayne Dyer

You are led to believe that the material things are reality and are providing you with what you need, while in fact they are only more matter, which is made up of more invisible space. What you need, you already have, and when you know it, and go within and create it in your mind, the divine sustenance you seek in the form of material things or money will be manifested in whatever amounts needed.
Wayne Dyer

You are not separated into categories. You are at once the seer, seeing and the seen.
Wayne Dyer

You cannot experience prosperity if you believe that you don’t deserve it.
Wayne Dyer

Shift from a human doing to a human being.
Wayne Dyer

Prosperity is about process, not outcome. Process is about purpose. Purpose is about loving and giving.
Wayne Dyer

If one advances confidently in the direction of his own dreams, and endeavours to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
Wayne Dyer

If anyone can do this thing well, then I too have that capacity.
Wayne Dyer

The intelligence that runs through others runs through me as well.
Wayne Dyer

The picturing process is the way to create a prosperity consciousness within your mind. No one can ever take that away from you.
Wayne Dyer

Money – like health, love, happiness and all forms of miraculous happenings that you want to create for yourself – is the result of your living purposefully. It is not a goal unto itself. If you chase it, it will always elude you.
Wayne Dyer

When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous.
Wayne Dyer

Prosperity is not the result of following a strict set of gimmicks and strategies, it is a mind-set, a mind-set that is centred on your ability to manifest miracles. Whatever you have believed to be impossible, shift it around to create an inner prosperity picture.
Wayne Dyer

Keep a corner of your mind focused exclusively on your images of prosperity.
Wayne Dyer

Prosperity, like everything else, is experienced in your mind.
Wayne Dyer

When you see yourself as prosperous regardless of material possessions, and you act on that belief, then the material possessions will arrive in exactly perfect proportions for your well-being.
Wayne Dyer

I only invest in what I feel to be proper and moral, and that feeling comes from going
Wayne Dyer

Develop a conviction in your heart that prosperity truly belongs to you.
Wayne Dyer

Living as if one is already prosperous is to be a generous person.
Wayne Dyer

If your purpose involves providing things that require money for others and for yourself, and if you are uncompromised about your own commitment to your purpose, then money will show up in your life to assist you with your heroic mission.
Wayne Dyer

You can be spiritual and have nice things.
Wayne Dyer

You can be spiritual and have money flow into your life.
Wayne Dyer

I view the money that arrives in my life as the energy that I can use to stay on purpose.
Wayne Dyer

Avoid the trap of expecting your prosperity to arrive in your life through the efforts of others.
Wayne Dyer

You create your own life of prosperity.
Wayne Dyer

Take responsibility for your own feelings about prosperity and you will eliminate any and all suffering that you experience in this context.
Wayne Dyer

There is no way to prosperity, prosperity is the way.
Wayne Dyer

If we are to have magical bodies, we must have magical minds.
Wayne Dyer

No one knows enough to be a pessimist!
Wayne Dyer

You can learn to be optimistic or you can learn to be pessimistic.
Wayne Dyer

When you begin to know rather than doubt your talent, you will discover the necessary physical abilities to carry out your purpose.
Wayne Dyer

You are not a number.
Wayne Dyer

Your IQ is an illusion. You can change that number around drastically by changing what is on the tests.
Wayne Dyer

You are as capable as you need to be to fulfil your purpose.
Wayne Dyer

Intelligence is about the mind. The mind is without boundaries.
Wayne Dyer

If you want to experience the miracle of having genius-level intelligence, then change around those inner voices that have convinced you of your limitations because of your intellect.
Wayne Dyer

You can learn anything that you put your mind to.
Wayne Dyer

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