Wayne Dyer Quotes
200 Wayne Dyer Quotes 1 2 3 4 5
If you think one year ahead – sow a seed. If you think ten years ahead – plant a tree. If you think a hundred years ahead – educate the people.
Wayne Dyer
You are worthy because you say it is so.
Wayne Dyer
Self-confidence is measured in behavioural terms, while self-worth is assess in attitudinal ways.
Wayne Dyer
If you treat your children as it they already are what they are capable of becoming, then you will be doing them a large favour in this self-confidence endeavour.
Wayne Dyer
If you want your child to respect himself, give him an example of a person who does the same, and never, ever waiver from that position.
Wayne Dyer
Our thinking determines our self-image, which in turn determines our feelings and our behaviour.
Wayne Dyer
Encourage children to be risk-takers rather than always taking the safe road.
Wayne Dyer
Always focus your criticism on a child’s behaviour instead of his value as a human being.
Wayne Dyer
Choose independence rather than dependence.
Wayne Dyer
It is impossible to spoil a child under the age of eighteen months with too much love and attention.
Wayne Dyer
The more we teach achievement at the expense of inner satisfaction, the more we teach youngsters to take the easier path and to avoid a failure label. Yet, when we take just a cursory look at greatness in any human being in any profession, we are looking at people who have failed, and failed, and failed again and again, learning something new each time.
Wayne Dyer
If I am going to get where I want to be in life, I can’t rely on anyone but myself in order to make it happen, since I am the only person that I am absolutely certain will be with me at all times, whenever these problems in life crop up. If I am all I’ve got, then I want to be certain that I can call upon me at any time.
Wayne Dyer
Live your life through your own accomplishments and enjoy those of your children.
Wayne Dyer
Avoid giving your children descriptors which will limit them throughout their lives.
Wayne Dyer
Treat children as though they already have achieved their own greatness, as if they are no-limit people who welcome change and are unafraid of the unknown. Do it enough and they will actually be all that they ever dreamed of becoming.
Wayne Dyer
This is the ultimate freedom that you can give to your children: the knowledge and belief that they can control their own inner worlds.
Wayne Dyer
When you raise children to believe that they have no choices in life, you encourage them to stay dependent on you well into their adult years.
Wayne Dyer
Stop your own blame trip as of right now.
Wayne Dyer
Growth is impossible if a person always does things the way everyone has always done things.
Wayne Dyer
Anxiety is an avoidance technique.
Wayne Dyer
Teach children that stress comes from the way in which they think and not from people or life situations.
Wayne Dyer
Just as chemicals do not solve problems for children, the same is true for you.
Wayne Dyer
The more things children can do, the greater their opportunity for personal happiness throughout their lives.
Wayne Dyer
Virtually all fights revolve around the absurd thought, ‘If only you were more like me, then I wouldn’t have to be upset.’
Wayne Dyer
You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you.
Wayne Dyer
Behaviour, rather than words, is the greatest teacher of all.
Wayne Dyer
People are more important than things.
Wayne Dyer
Self-confident people seldom participate in the same old fights.
Wayne Dyer
Work actively at deflating rather than inflating potential blow-up points.
Wayne Dyer
Do not administer punishment when angry.
Wayne Dyer
Everyone is always changing.
Wayne Dyer
Make sure to praise your children at every opportunity.
Wayne Dyer
Wellness is feeling better and living longer.
Wayne Dyer
Do not reward illness; instead, praise wellness.
Wayne Dyer
Creativity and risk-taking go together.
Wayne Dyer
Whenever you are confronted between the choice of praise or criticism, opt for praise and administer it often.
Wayne Dyer
Positive thoughts emit different endorphins into the blood system than do negative thoughts.
Wayne Dyer
Anything you really want, you can attain, if you really go after it.
Wayne Dyer
Be fully alive while you’re here on this planet; you’ll have an eternity to experience the opposite after you leave.
Wayne Dyer
Either pull your own strings and enjoy being in charge of your brief life here on Earth, or let others do it and spend your life being upset and controlled by the victimizers of the world.
Wayne Dyer
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